I recognised the art style! Was hoping someone would post more details.
I recognised the art style! Was hoping someone would post more details.
Exactly the same in NZ too.
This level of pedantry is satisfying.
The best part is that any arrangement of three snakes in 3D space are all on a plane.
My search-fu is failing me, mainly because there’s a film and TV show with that name dominating results.
Can I get a TL;DR?
The gender neutral bathroom’s already in your house!
That’s a serious power move in a large org.
Once saw hadcock@example.com
at an employer. On the other hand Hannah thought it was hilarious.
Hmm, that’s probably enough to dox myself to ex-collegues.
Government spending agrees.
You Scots sure are a contentious people.
It’s only 5. It just overflows.
Fascist dichotomy: the “others” are both strong and weak at the same time.
Just like immigrants are both “lazy” and “taking all the jobs” at the same time.
Duh, just insert a poorly rendered carton of (spilled) tomato juice.
Problem solved.
Soooo lesbians bad but incestuous lesbian cousins good.
That was the single best line in the film.
Arguably he’s been taxed before he got rich… So the poor still got the whole tax burden.