You guys use more than just the +30 button? Weird.
my latest microwave only has a knob you can turn to set the time. the microwave starts a couple seconds after you stop turning the knob. i’m in heaven
Don’t be mixing number systems with different bases, y’all.
If you type 9,999 your house burns down
Typing 666 could do it as well depending on what you have in the microwave
99 > 100, seems legit
You see, it’s because two digit numbers follow newtonian physics while three digit numbers follow quantum physics
This hurt my brain so badly I had to walk over to my microwave to figure it out.
I was like “are people that dumb that they’ll type in 100 seconds and the microwave just changes it to a minute instead”
But then I realized I was the idiot.
I had to hold my hand up and type it into an imaginary microwave to get it too lol