Life is pain au chocolat
Many fall in the face of chaos, but not this one, not today
Life is pain au chocolat
Ugh I love that book but also completely accurate.
It’s an absolute trip that that SICP was used as an introductory text to computer science. What a bunch of absolute legends.
Fun fact, there’s about 350 homework problems in the book, so if you do one a day you’ll finish the book in a year. Trust me, it’s absolutely worth it! After that year it felt like I truly understood all this programming stuff (and this was after a 4 year degree and working as a software engineer for 4 years). The difference before and after was like turning on a light switch in my brain. I improved 5x in that year alone.
It’s hard though, don’t be ashamed to look up other answers if you get stuck. There’s dozens of blogs where people explain every single answer in detail. I had to look up at least 25% of them. Still worth it, best learning investment ever for my career. I seriously think if I’d not done that I’d have left the industry long ago.
Also don’t forget to check out the lectures on YouTube. Although to be honest I’ve not finished them, video lectures bore me too much. They are still really cool to watch.
I still think back to how it felt doing that book and finishing it. I wish I could go back and do it again for the first time. Just so immensely satisfying and empowering. I’ve tried to find other books like it, nothing quite does the trick. Sigh.
Femboys are good at the bottom and I think 🤔
I don’t like the mental image of a whole person looking like a deflated balloon.
I’m seeing double here, six communities!
Whoa I’m probably late to the party but this musical rocks!
This looks like the Wizard in Inscryption
What is that quote? Anyone know?
The seller though usually turns around and spends all that money on a bigger place, taking out a larger mortgage with greater interest payments.
So realistically the only entity profiting from rising house prices are banks and real estate agents.
Sellers feel richer, but then they lose it on the next place that is more expensive
When I first learned to bake bread and pizza.
Five years later I was 60lb/27kg heavier and needed to go on keto to break the bread habit. Sigh. Took me almost as long to lose an the weight, but I’ve kept it off now for almost ten years!
I know a Thomas too! He’s the straight cis eye of a queer hurricane. And it wasn’t always this way, he just keeps pulling folks into his massive orbit. Folks who later realize they are queer. He never brings it up or even seems to notice.
I finally realized what’s going on and it’s just a little weird. Like, what the hell is going on? Do my friends even have free will?! Do I?!
I conclude that Thomas has such a pure heart and loves so freely that he innervates people with restless souls. They/we are drawn to this vibe like planets in his solar orbit.
I should write him a poem about this
Thomas’ pure heart
Orbit for expanding souls
A queer hurricane
Whoa this song absolutely slaps. I’m so glad you posted this!
Yeah, TBF I was really just making a snarky dig at the misogyny in the evangelical world.
I can immediately think of a counter example: the Golden Compass. It’s written by a man, but basically takes the stance that the devil is the good guy and has a main character whose best skill is the ability to lie so well she can pretty much always get what she wants. The church equivalent abuses children and looks the other way about it when confronted 💀
Unsurprisingly that series isn’t too popular among fundies
Witchcraft is fine. Every evangelical I know was allowed to read Hobbit, LOTR, Dune, Narnia.
The problem is witchcraft written by women
This is great, thanks!
It’s my first playthrough and my makes my heart feel big feels. Also makes my blood pressure skyrocket. That wind level had me so tense, but then the feather came out and I was like who is cutting onions in here
I used to get nauseous every morning for no reason. I still do, but now I have a reason
one ma’am’s trash music is another’s treasure
Just remember crossover is hardly ever used now. Straight is almost always what you need for typical use.