Fun fact! Human is the only meat that can be vegan!
And uhh, there are plenty of people that would consent to a vampire sucking their blood
I think you are legally obliged to consent if the vampire is cute. Personally I like to make lewd noises to make them uncomfortable.
Yeah! Like me! Cute vampire girls are always welcome to suck my blood~
there are plenty of people that would consent to a vampire sucking their blood
i feel my astarion kink being called out
Why? Is it because they could consent? In that case it’s a poor argument because it could be argued that anyone who did consent was not in a state of mind where they could do so legitimately.
I’m moving different
This shit ain’t nothing to me man, I’m a dog. I’m biting the fart bubbles in the bath
I had thos discussion recently. In WoD, the Nosferatu clan observe two notable responses:
Fashion Model / Actor: Gaah! I’m hideous! A monster! My career is over!
Misanthrope / Recluse: Meh. No one liked me anyway. And now rats are delicious.