At uni a friend of mine wrote a book review of the bible that began, “Not since Naked Lunch has such a dull book been saved by the constant barrage of sadomasochistic homosexual pornography.”
Saul when David rolls up with a bag of 200 foreskins: 😍
Makes me think of my favorite verse to quote in arguments: Pslam 137:9 - Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks (NIV).
what is NIV
New international version I wanted to be clear on the translation I was quoting, because it can make a difference in wording and sometimes meaning.
New International Version.
Context is important. It’s a song of imagined - and not executed - revenge. The writer is wishing that what happened to their kids also happened to the invaders kids. The Babylonians dashed Jewish kids against rocks, and the Jews didn’t respond in kind - couldn’t in fact, because the Law forbade it.
ironically there’s an entire book about genocide of the human race by god too
What’s that one
Took me a second because I was focused on Genesis and Exodus, but it’s got to be Revelations, right?
Good news is that’s just a fan fiction.
Revelations works too but specifically I meant the Noah’s Ark story :)
Yeah sorry I just never read any version of the Bible or anything related to the Bible
There are some fun bits in there if you like mythology.
Cool I probably check it out