The UK has led the way in the crackdown, experts say, with judges recently refusing an appeal against multi-year sentences for climate activists who blocked a motorway bridge in east London. The three-year jail terms for Marcus Decker and Morgan Trowland earlier this year are thought to be the longest handed out by a British judge for non-violent protest.
Michel Forst, the UN rapporteur on environmental defenders since June last year, described the situation in the UK as “terrifying”. He added that other countries were “looking at the UK examples with a view to passing similar laws in their own countries, which will have a devastating effect for Europe”.
He added: “I’m sure that there is European cooperation among the police forces against these kinds of activities. My concern is that when [governments] are calling these people eco-terrorists, or are using new forms of vilifications and defamation … it has a huge impact on how the population may perceive them and the cause for which these people are fighting. It is a huge concern for me.”
Very concerning. But it shows that governments are triggered and hit at a vulnerable spot by these protests. They know that it is very hard for them to please the activists and pass sufficient climate legislation in the short term, so it is apparent that protests will continue and even increase. Also they don’t want to appear “weak” by giving in (which is completely stupid of course). So with these harsh sentences, they show us that they are afraid and want to stop these protests before they get too large
The glueing on streets, throwing stuff on glass covered paintings and so forth are mainly meant as recruitment tools. The media loves to cover that, as they can be displayed as annoying protestors, but they also do not seriously disrupt the status quo. The terrorist comparisons then turn some more moderate activists more radical, which these organizations then can recruite.
However they then target fossil fuel infrastructure. Just Stop Oil did shut down oil refineries, there have been protests shuting down German lignite plants, in Australia they managed to disrupt a coal port for week and there are many other examples. This hurts fossil fuel companies in the bank account, which is their weak point. So they absolutly hate them.
these are hardly recruitment tools. Nonviolent protests have been targeting lignite mines long before and had more supporters than people glueing themselves to the street.
It is the other way around in terms of “radicalization” although thos term is hardly fitting as demanding the government to uphold its own laws and international commitments can hardly be radical. Meanwhile the governments radicalized extremely, both in their language and now in their often criminal infringement of the protestors rights.
Hurt profits is the only language rich daddies speak…
So once people start using this effective tactic, expect violence performs by the state on rich daddies’ behavior.
People have hard time understanding is that most law enforcement is actually an occupation force.
Threats to Germany’s climate campaigners fuelled by politicians’ rhetoric, says activist
Senior politicians in Germany have compared Last Generation, a nonviolent protest group that has blockaded motorways and thrown paint on glass-covered artworks, to terrorist organisations such as the Red Army Faction, a far-left group that killed dozens of people in the 1970s and 80s. Earlier this year, in tweets that have since been deleted, politicians from the centre-left and centre-right parties drew links between Last Generation and the Taliban.
The chancellor, Olaf Scholz, who has described the protests as “completely idiotic”, appeared to compare climate activists to Nazis last year after two people disrupted a panel at which he was speaking in Stuttgart. “Let me say frankly, these black-clad spectacles at different events, always by the same people, remind me of a time that lies long in the past – and thank God for that,” he said, to loud applause.
the German center left and center right parties are both proto fascist. The center left party SPD of chancellor Scholz is spearheading autocratic policies like total surveillance. The former minister of justice from the SPD wanted to pass a law that forces websites to save passwords in clear text, so police could access any accounts quickly and without notice to the surveilled person. Of course this would also allow police to stage entire crimes and blame it on the people whose accounts theyd take over.
The center right party CDU is trying to help the fascist AfD into power, by taking over their talking points, fabricating a migration crisis and spread disinformation such as the refugees getting new teeth while Germans wouldnt get dentist appointments. They also target scientists in particular climate scientist and try to undermine the trust in research and evidence, as it contradicts their shortsighted economic and social demands.
Centrists nowadays seem to be just like the “moderate right”: fascists in denial.
Add that to the far left party in large parts having similar positions as the far right, no wonder Fascists are on the rise. They get support from almost everyone except the Greens and the Pirate Party.
Mind giving us an example of this, or should we just assume this is the classic centrist horseshoe bullshit?
[Context: Wagenknecht is a prominent politician of The Left party]
While I could give examples, this piece of satire should contain more than enough context.
Said women in that article is also very concerned about the trans lobby, which is totally not a right-wing boogeyman.
Let’s play a game, shall we? Here’s a few quotes and you should guess whether it’s made by a fascist or by Wagenknecht. In each topic one is made by her, the other by the fascists:
Identity politics:
Identity politics amounts to focusing attention on ever smaller and ever more bizarre minorities, each of which finds its identity in some quirk by which it differs from the majority society and from which it derives the claim of being a victim.
Quote by:
Sarah Wagenknecht
The case of the job advertisement of a student anti-discrimination office in Berlin, which asks white people not to apply, shows the whole madness of left-wing identity politics.
Quote by:
Fascist party
The Green party and their politics:
Today, prosperity and nature are massively endangered by a Green policy to which all established parties have indiscriminately subscribed.
Quote by:
Fascist party
The Greens are damaging our industry and the prosperity of millions with their so-called climate policy, which does nothing for the climate.
Quote by:
Sarah Wagenknecht
On climate gluers protesting climate change:
And even more so, I reject the presumption of wanting to parent people. The climate gluers probably really believe that the world will end tomorrow if Germany does not save it by radically renouncing prosperity.
Quote by:
Sarah Wagenknecht
Due to increased prices and the threat of insolvencies, many employees are already on the edge of their existence anyway. Many simply cannot afford to be prevented from arriving at work on time by privileged full-time activists.
Quote by:
Fascist party
A revision to the 1980s “transsexual law”, lowering the hurdles to change your gender.
The ideological background of the law is precisely to deny gender as a biological fact and to make it a matter of state of mind.
Quote by:
Sarah Wagenknecht
Ignoring cautionary voices, for example, that such a law would encourage criminal concealment of identity, the federal government is once again not only elevating itself above scientific facts, but is once again going against the Basic Law.
Quote by:
Fascist party
Mrs. Merkel’s decision in 2015 opened the way to Germany mainly for young men. Real help would instead focus primarily on women, children, the elderly, the weak and the poorest. But they can’t pay traffickers and can’t survive a long flight.
Quote by:
Sarah Wagenknecht
The asylum seekers and illegal immigrants who flocked to Germany in even greater numbers because of Merkel’s invitation have also been disappointed: To this day, the vast majority have no jobs. Instead, they are a massive burden on our social systems.
Quote by:
Fascist party
- [side note: wtf how are Protestants more accepting of LGBTQ people]
I think that’s it, I’m unsure though.
Huh, I’m honestly surprised that this turned out to not be yet another bullshit claim about how “both sides are the same”. How the hell does she even claim to be leftist with those opinions?
Love for Putin would be one. As long as Die Linke is keeping Wagenknecht, they have to endure comparisons like that. And I say that as someone who voted for them the last election.
Pro-Putin / Russia leftists are a deeply idiotic phenomenon. As another voter for the left here in Finland I’m glad our version of Die Linke is actually leftist and doesn’t support blatant imperialism
Well, in Germany we have a saying “Wessen Brot ich esse, dessen Lied ich sing”. Basically, I will support the story of whoever pays my bills.
How to antagonize and radicalize peaceful protestors 101. If I didn’t know better (that Scholz doesn’t understand how people work), I would say he was trying to get people to start putting bombs under SUVs.
in the UK I cannot wait until we’re able to vote out the Tories and especially rishi sunak who we never voted in the first place. Any party would be better than them at this point.
Reminder for the UK people we are not America you don’t vote for a PM you vote for a local MP so remember kids don’t vote Tory even if you like the one who knocked on your door that time :D
“I can’t wait to vote for a local labour MP who will represent my interests because I like and trust them as a person, I like the pledges they are making and their intentions of they are pretty of a government, and I would like them to help get enough MPs for Kier Starmer to form a government.” is what the poster should have said.
The Tories capturing the red wall was because of people voting for Boris / against Corbyn (which Boris claims was solely a vote for Brexit). Because of that a ridiculous number of incredibly low quality candidates got into Parliament. Our representatives need to represent us, not just be a colored dot on a map showing a majority for one party or the other.
This is the best summary I could come up with:
Human rights experts and campaigners have warned against an intensifying crackdown on climate protests across Europe, as Guardian research found countries across the continent using repressive measures to silence activists.
Catrinel Motoc, the organisation’s senior campaigner on civil space and right to protest in Europe, said: “People all around the world are bravely raising their voices to call for urgent actions on the climate crisis but many face dire consequences for their peaceful activism.
Les Soulévements de la Terre, a collective of local environmental campaigns, had staged a series of protests, with tactics including sabotage, that ended with violent confrontations with police, and Darmanin denouncing the activists as “far left” and “ecoterrorists”.
The Digos police unit, which specialises in counter-terrorism, in April justified the use of anti-Mafia laws to target the group by saying its civil disobedience actions had not taken place spontaneously, but were organised, discussed and weighed up by an internal hierarchy.
“These one-off bans, of which there are very few in absolute terms, are not imposed because of the reason for the demonstration.”The Italian interior ministry referred to a statement from the culture minister Gennaro Sangiuliano in April, who said attacks on monuments cause economic damage to the community that is is expensive to clean up.
The Bavarian interior ministry referred the Guardian to the public prosecutor’s office in Munich, which provided a statement from June in which it confirmed it had authorised the tapping of phones for six of seven Last Generation members under criminal investigation.
The original article contains 1,251 words, the summary contains 250 words. Saved 80%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!
Travel is a human right. Impeding travel is a human rights violation. Get the hell out of the road.
Nobody is taking away your freedom. They are just producing traffic, as does an accident. You can still travel. Having a car and a road to drive by car definitely not a human right.
Travel is a human right.
Having the use of your own carand the use of the public thoroughfare to drive it in is a civil right. (Edit: I misspoke. The right to own property is considered a human right under Article 17. Denying the use of a car except by legal fiat is considered a human rights violation, not a civil rights violation.)Impeding traffic is a violation of civil and human rights.
I am willing to argue this here. I am not willing to argue it on the street. On the street, I will respond to such a violation with any necessary level of force to end that violation.
Get the hell out of the road.
I’m sooooooo super ready to mow down some climate protestors daddy oil company, pick meeeeeeee
Right? What a violent jackass.
deleted by creator
You don’t stop owning your car if someone is sitting in front of it, therefore your property rights aren’t violated.
You don’t stop owning your house if someone stops you from entering it, but you are still deprived of the functional use of your property. Your property rights are absolutely violated when someone stops you from using your property. Until “driving a car” is made illegal, impeding a driver violates the driver’s property rights.
please point me to where this is stated in the human rights declarations. Also please point me further to where it is specified that this goes for travel by car specifically. I want to sue the government to give me my human right of traveling by car, so they first need to buy me a car.
please point me to where this is stated in the human rights declaration
Article 9. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
Impeding travel constitutes an arbitrary detention.
Article 12. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence.
Impeding travel constitutes interference in correspondence.
Article 13. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
Impeding travel denies freedom of movement.
Also please point me further to where it is specified that this goes for travel by car specifically.
Article 17. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
Impeding travel by car constitutes a deprivation of property.
Articles 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 protect the rights to engage in work, rest, health, education, and cultural activities.
Impeding travel infringes on any or all of these five, depending on the purpose of travel.
Article 29. Everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others
Impeding travel imposed unnecessary limitations, and ignores and disrespects the rights and freedoms of others.
I want to sue the government to give me my human right of traveling by car,
The government does not “give” human rights. You have that right, by virtue of being human. The government is not stopping you from owning a car or traveling by car: these orange-jacketed terrorists are the ones doing that.
Everyone has the right to freedom of movement
You are always free to move, you can get out of the car and walk to another place.
The right is to travel, not to “walk”. Your power to limit my freedom of movement is strictly limited under Article 29: you can only do so by enacting law. Without a specific law creating the limitation (such as “don’t drive on a sidewalk”) you may not arbitrarily decide what modes and methods of travel are acceptable, nor what modes and methods may be infringed upon.
Further, your arbitrary assumption that I am capable of walking specifically violates Article 2, Article 7, and Article 25. Your insinuation that I am only entitled to travel within a reasonable “walking” distance violates one or more of Articles 23 through 27.
You must be fun at parties. If you even get to them when the streets are blocked…
Parties? You mean peaceful assemblies and associations, protected under Article 20? Or cultural life, protected under Article 27? Yes, impeding travel to a party is also a human rights violation.
FYI: Your knowledge about U.S. law is really not the flex you think it is.
Clown says what?
Clown says whatever the hell he wants (Article 19) so long as in exercising that freedom, he does not infringe on the rights and freedoms of others. (Articles 29 and 30).