Sure, but it’s not a landline anymore
Currently between olives
Sure, but it’s not a landline anymore
I live in an apartment building that was constructed in '22 and a landline wasn’t even an option anymore, it’s all just gigabit ethernet.
Even though I occasionally toy with the idea of learning eg. COBOL so I could rake in the $$$ from consulting jobs to add features to some 60 year old codebase for a bank or something like that, I’m not sure that amount of stress would ever be worth it
But don’t you see, everybody needs to know exactly their opinion
In space, nobody can hear your explosive diarrhea?
I figure you’re right, it really doesn’t seem all that likely but it was just a thought that popped into my head.
But yeah, it’s interesting to see what this current “turbulence” will lead to. Requiring consensus only has a chance to work if everyone is acting in good faith, so when a member state is well on its way to becoming essentially a dictatorship with aims that are directly at odds with the EU’s goals, there’s simply no way consensus will work.
It’s interesting that the EU really doesn’t have too many good mechanisms to do anything about bad-faith actors in the first place. Eg. using Hungary’s funding as a lever has been tried, but because of the consensus requirement, Orbán can essentially hold decisions hostage until he gets what he wants.
Too many systems have been built with the implicit assumption that all participating actors are acting in good faith, and a single bad-faith actor can actually cause remarkable amounts of trouble because there’s no mechanisms for stopping them
I wonder if he’s being treated with kid gloves because he gives an excuse for not aiding Ukraine. “We wanted to, but it’s that damn Orbán”
He’ll be dealt with before he becomes an actual threat
Have you never wondered why I drink only distilled water or rainwater? And only pure grain alcohol? Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation – fluoridation of water? Do you realise that fluoridation is the most monstrously-conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face?
Up until very recently most housing in Finland was co-ops, and it’s still extremely common although many new developments are built and owned by corporations which then rent them out.
I live and own shares in a new housing co-op (proportional to the size of my apartment), and all of us together own and run the building and we’re renting the property from the city (although you can buy your share of that property off from the city if you don’t want to pay that rent.) It’s not a perfect system by any means but it’s better than corporations owning everything; ideally the people who live in a building are the ones who decide how it’s run, but of course that’s sort of gone out the window too with rich people just buying properties speculatively and to rent them out. If enough of the shareholders in a building are rent-seekers, upkeep of the building is going to go way down because they don’t live there themselves and don’t give a shit about whether it’s a nice place to live in, they care about making a profit.
the people earning a lot of money (suggesting responsibility) are wimpy losers who cannot solve this problem.
That’s not the problem, but I really wish it was. The problem is that the people who are actually in charge are psychopaths who don’t give a shit about doing anything to the problem, and are more motivated to actually make things worse
True! For all you non-Nordics, that’s a Finnish Spitz and they’re certified good boyes. My personal favorite is the Finnish Lapphund because they’re so incredibly floofy, and it’s an interesting breed because it was originally bred by the Sámi for herding reindeer:
Wait we do? I didn’t realize we even had one official animal, let alone 4
Edit: the Finnish Wikipedia claims we have 6 official animals, one of them being ladybugs:
Doesn’t seem too likely that’d be more than a few percentage points. Which non-Chromium browsers even do this?
users can modify their useragent string, and sometimes they have to because some webdevs are morons.
The minority of users do this or even know about UA strings.
some browsers actually default to using chrome instead of its own.
Sure, but Firefox isn’t one of them
Wine works pretty well for a large percentage of Windows programs
Elon shouldn’t be in this chart, too easy to win
One would think, but with both Thiel and Bezos in the competition this isn’t as cut-and-dry as you’d assume. Thiel especially is fucking evil, he’s way worse than Musk
Ah I thought you pulled that from some Eurostat database and they were using wonky country codes. The AU / AT mixup is a classic one, and since the spelling of Austria and Australia is so close it’s easy to miss that mistake – just like I did
You’re just throwing a tantrum at this point