Yeah, but the DUI also buys you 3 meals a day for 6 months or so.
No. The problem wasn’t the amount of traffic. The problem was the delay from the lights. It was enough to build up long queues on three of the six entry roads. It turns out when you don’t unnecessarily impede drivers, they don’t become “traffic”.
A housing allotment (~100 single family homes) was built about a mile down one of the feeder roads. An elementary school was torn down on another road, but a high school and rec center were built on the old site. The number of vehicles passing through that intersection has only increased.
Maxinum throughput of a round about is much higher than a typical stoplight.
Now, if stoplights typically went to flashing red instead of solid red, so drivers could proceed if traffic was clear, they would approach the efficiency of a roundabout.
Nope. Traffic lights create high traffic areas, by unnecessarily delaying cross traffic.
Near my parents house, there is a 6-way intersection. When I was growing up, it was served by traffic lights, with straight and left-turn lanes in all directions. Traffic was backed up all day long in 3 of the 6 directions, to the point that pretty much everyone waited through at least two turns.
A few years after I left home, they converted it to a two-lane roundabout. Traffic immediately died down. Now, you typically see one to two other vehicles when you pass through the intersection, and you never wait more than a few seconds to get through.
Reddit ended like two years ago.
PC LOAD LETTER? What the fuck does that mean?
These two fuckers need to share the same retirement hole.
You do not want to see me in a skirt.
You definitely don’t want to see me in a crop top.
TikTok engages in interstate commerce by selling ads on its platform. Congress can’t prevent TikTok’s speech, but they can shut down their business.
I am saddened that this depiction does not feature a smiling Luigi.
If you want it that high, I would suggest using wok seasoning methods instead of cast iron. Basically, you “blue” the pan (develop a black iron oxide layer) by holding it at 550F for an hour or so. You’ll burn off the oil every time you use it, but the black oxide layer is relatively non-stick. This will work better with carbon steel than cast iron.
Alternatively, you might consider an even heavier pan, to hold a 400-450F temperature even longer.
The burner will get well over a thousand. Without something cooling it off, a pan can overheat even on low.
I think maybe sometimes I burn the seasoning from cooking with too high heat?
That will happen around 450-500F. One method of stripping seasoning is to run it through an oven self-cleaning cycle.
Try washing it.
So long as you’re not using the lye-based soaps your grandparents used to wash their dishes, you’re fine. Dishwashing detergent does not damage seasoning.
It is a myth that you can’t use dish detergent on cast iron. If it feels greasy and filthy, it is greasy and filfthy.
The truth behind the “no soap” myth is that we used to use lye-based soap for dishwashing. Lye does, indeed, break down seasoning. But we use surfactant-based detergents now, rather than actual soap. Detergents break down oils which are necessary for rust prevention, but they don’t damage seasoning. Just wipe them down with the thinnest layer of high temp oil before storing them, and you’re good to go.
Your boomer parents/grandparents couldn’t wash their cast iron with dish “soap”. You can.
I think the first copycat is going to get more updoots than Luigi did.
To be fair, law enforcement is just looking for overtime pay. They don’t care who was murdered. The bean counters at city hall are the ones who determine their budget.
You’re cooking dinner, not crystal meth.
“Frozen chicken strips” doesn’t mean what you think it means. “Frozen chicken strips” are “whatever neutral solid you want to use to carry the flavor of everything else in this dish to your mouth”.
“1 cup” of them is “However much of that solid you feel like eating with this meal”, plus any remaining that would be less than a full portion if saved for the next meal.
Forget the scale; if you’re dirtying a dish for a cup of chicken, you don’t belong in the kitchen! The proper tool for measuring a cup of frozen chicken is your dominant hand, curled into a fist around them.