How does that say anything about pit bulls in general? Someone else brought up the fact that labs and German shepherds bite just as much as pit bulls. Where’s the scaremongering about labs? Oh wait, they’re the choice breed for service dogs? Maybe it’s not the breed then.
I didn’t believe it at first, but it seems my doubt was misplaced.
You would think that a supposed professional dog trainer, who allegedly was aware that his dog was aggressive and had a history of biting other dogs, wouldn’t just let such a dog wander around unattended. I guess he was too proud to admit he couldn’t correct this dog’s behavior.
You’re citing a tabloid, not exactly a reliable source…
So you believe that cesar milan didn’t have a pit bull and it didn’t bite someone and didn’t kill another dog?
You can literally pull up the court records if you want. Other sources can cover it perfectly fine.
What a weird hill to die on.
How does that say anything about pit bulls in general? Someone else brought up the fact that labs and German shepherds bite just as much as pit bulls. Where’s the scaremongering about labs? Oh wait, they’re the choice breed for service dogs? Maybe it’s not the breed then.
I didn’t believe it at first, but it seems my doubt was misplaced.
You would think that a supposed professional dog trainer, who allegedly was aware that his dog was aggressive and had a history of biting other dogs, wouldn’t just let such a dog wander around unattended. I guess he was too proud to admit he couldn’t correct this dog’s behavior.
Since it was settled out of court there is zero truth to any of it. Not saying it didn’t happen, but there is no proof that it happened either.
There’s plenty of proof. Documents were submitted to court. Just because there was a settlement doesn’t mean it didn’t happen