No. Tiktok in China is a completely different app. China doesn’t allow tiktok in the form we have it.
Nope. I don’t talk about myself like that.
No. Tiktok in China is a completely different app. China doesn’t allow tiktok in the form we have it.
The frequency is probably just an easy one to build magnetrons for.
The real reason is that that range is reserved for consumer devices so that it doesn’t interfere with actual ISM sanctioned communications as enforced by the FCC. We just also decided to put wifi in the same range cause they’re stingy releasing frequencies for public use.
But research was done on it cause of course it has been.
This article deals with the generation of microwaves in the oven and includes the operation of the magnetrons, waveguides and standing waves in resonant cavities. It then considers the absorption of microwaves by foods, discussing the dielectric relaxation of water, penetration depths of electromagnetic waves in matter and, in considering the possible chemical changes during the microwave heating, multi-photon ionization or dissociation.
So you’re likely right that it’s not water resonance, but chassis cavity resonance. I can’t say that I’ve read deeply into it. And thinking about it I remember hearing something about some of the high level stuff that I just read in relation to this article. I probably ran into it in passing and just failed to recall it. But to be frank, I’m okay just calling it voodoo wizardry in of itself. But I have to understand wireless communications stuff for my profession, and it’s well known that it’s basically the same range as wifi 2.4ghz/bluetooth/other consumer standards that sit in the same crowded space.
Way to comment on something from over a year ago. And no nobody lied to me. I read the manifesto that Hamas publicly published.
It may very well be. However, with how matter-of-factly you said it, some people might not think it’s a joke.
The microwave region extends from 1,000 to 300,000 MHz (or 30 cm to 1 mm wavelength).
Source: https://www.britannica.com/science/electromagnetic-radiation/Microwaves
2.4Ghz, and 5Ghz are microwaves. Your typical microwave oven operates at about 2.45GHz due to resonance frequency of water. 2.4Ghz wifi is literally a typical microwave’s neighbor.
The difference is sheer amount of power and shielding. Not the type of radiation.
Put all your normal stuff into a profile and leave the work app on the primary profile. They will be separated.
So it isn’t whether you’re using Azure, it’s whether you’re using CrowdStrike (Azure related or not)
No. Azure platform is using Crowdstrike on their hypervisors. So simply using Azure could be sufficient to hurt you in this case even if your Azure host isn’t using Crowdstrike itself. But yes, otherwise it’s a mix of Windows+Crowdstrike.
Yes, but Azure platform itself was using it. So many of those systems were down overnight (and there’s probably still stragglers). The guy you responded to specifically called out Azure-based services.
It never mathed up. This why i asked very simple questions and never got anything remotely close to an answer. Ultimately it comes down to one thing though… if Nintendo was 100% correct and yuzu was 100% wrong like this lunatic believes… wouldn’t they have never settled out of court and pursued complete and utter devastation of everyone related to yuzu just to set the court precedent alone? Nintendo didn’t. So…
For some strange reason… why are you pretending you didn’t even know you could be liable as an LLC a comment ago…?
I never made such a claim. Read the sentence. Read the context of the post. Emulation is not illegal, therefore no torte could be claimed. And short of them piercing the veil… There’s no liability. Why would Yuzu devs be individually liable and need to claim bankruptcy? Answer that question before you post anything else.
If you company gets taking for 2.4 bil, how do you expect to pay that if you make 80k a year…?
That’s the whole point. The company doesn’t. The company folds and walks away. There’s no point in fighting the lawsuit if there’s already nothing on the table to lose or gain. It’s not like Yuzu could counter sue and make money back for all the effort they’re going to not put into the emulator while going through the process.
If you think I was saying you would always be liable, well that’s entirely on your ineptness that you’ve clearly shown this entire exchange.
Nah that’s because that’s literally what you said. But you like going back and editing comments without making it known. I bring up how an LLC works as an idea of why folding my company would make sense. You bring up Gary Bowser like that relevant at all, with NO ties to the current conversation.
You can’t seriously be this inept can you? LLC is this magic thing that protects you from ALL liability… right…. Lmfao.
Considering I actually have one. Am successful. Have successfully defending IRS audits and lawsuits in the past, I’m going to say that I firmly understand what an LLC is and how to use it to protect you. I’ve never once claimed bankruptcy and have talked to lawyers about how it all works (and don’t have to retain them yearly!). I am highly suspicious that you have no fucking clue what an LLC actually is, nor can even understand how it’s relevant the discussion at hand.
Let’s go back and pull all the questions you refused to answer.
Why is Yuzu illegal? What part of Yuzu is any different than sony v bleem!?
Where is the proof for “The key they used to make the base engine was ripped from online”?
Where did Yuzu provide bios keys?
How did Yuzu pirate code when the repo is a completely different programming language?
How was that “stolen” code even relevant when it was regarding GUI modifications?
Where is the evidence for any of this: “The dev provided the means in discord themselves, they also had a google drive with a ripped key, they also had files on discord of roms to test their gamesc which were acquired illegally.”
What about the prod.keys is illegal?
What does folding the company have to do with some implication of their actions being illegal when there’s plenty of alternate possibilities for why they want to shut down rather than fight Nintendo?
Or any number of other questions you never addressed?
Shit… I’ll add one more… What the fuck does Gary Bowser have to do with this thread at all? Yuzu != Gary and they’re not even doing remotely close to the same things.
Read your own link please.
Don’t ever talk again on the internet until you can actually recite the differences. You are acting like an LLC is a sole proprietorship. And you’re wholly wrong. Completely and utterly wrong.
There’s only 2 cases where you will personally be liable in an LLC…
#2 could in “theory” be applicable here. But luckily we already know that emulators are wholesale safe under the law. You should already know this since it’s been in response to your comments a few times now. DMCA clause 107. Since pulling your own keys off a device is categorically safe and even downloading the keys is safe… (Only distribution is prohibited by DMCA) Then Yuzu did nothing wrong. But since you completely missed these points I’m going to assume you didn’t even read your own damn source.
But I suppose you already know this shit and are just trolling at this point. Since you can’t answer a single question that anyone actually asks you. Even the most basic shit of “And what LLC was Gary bowser operating under?” BTW the next question after you answered that would have been “What were the charges that actually got him in trouble”. At that point you would have realized that it had nothing to do with LLC operations, emulation, or anything nearly close to this topic. Mod chips != emulation. Nothing close to emulating a console which is completely legal per Sony Computer Entertainment America v. Bleem!
Who the helm thinks a LLC protects them from everything…? The first term is literally LIMITED…… its not a full liability company lmfao.
Wow… What an incredible showing of intelligence. Note that both of the above items (piercing the corporate veil and Tort participation) that can ruin your LLC ALSO HAPPEN IN “full liability company” (doesn’t exist). What nonsense.
Edit: Also would like to point out the fact that you’ve still not answered ANY questions posed. You just throw out additional unrelated shit everytime someone shows you that you’re wrong. It’s tiring.
And what LLC was Gary bowser operating under?
And no. If your llc dies you don’t have to personally claim bankruptcy. You have now said several things that are completely and utterly false. Continuing this conversation with you will never be fruitful if your going to continue to lie about basic facts.
Why do you think LLCs exist if you have to personally file for bankruptcy?
You just handed them 800k for nothing.
They didn’t necessarily hand them anything. If I get sued like I explained in my previous post for my LLC…
I only have 30k in my company’s account at this point. I turn off the patreon… I walk away from the company. Nintendo would only get the 30k even though the judgement was for 2.4 billion.
And if you couldn’t plan and account for potential (very realistic) legal fees, you kinda don’t deserve to be in business. Use 5k a year to get yourself a lawyer and change your process so you aren’t illegal.
Ahahahah. Yeah you’re a moron. Thanks for confirming it. 5k a year wouldn’t even be close to the cost for a legal battle against Nintendo.
Edit: You edited your post. There’s PLENTY of reasons to walk away. You’re just being obtuse because of some “moral” dilemma you believe exists that doesn’t. If they were actively developing their software, and actively spending their money they’re donated via patreon/other income streams… They might only have like 10k in the bank (or less). And walking away makes a BOATLOAD of sense at that point. Pay a lawyer 200k+ for a multiyear lawsuit and maybe not win… or lose the application (open source… haha what a “loss”) and lose 10k… It’s a nonissue, it’s an OBVIOUS answer.
Some people will do it out of honor/integrity. Other’s don’t want the hassle. You’re reading into shit way too far. I completely understand why this project wants to fold under nintendo.
I own an LLC, my LLC brings in roughly 160-180k a year and I pay myself only about 80k a year. If a multi-billion dollar company tried to nail me for something that I can’t see the end of, I’d likely just fold the company and walk away to do something more worth my time.
Nothing about this is evidence that they are what you claim they are. You’re reading WAY too much into such an easy to explain decision.
For someone who apparently did nothing wrong, they rolled over hella fast
So Yuzu, at it’s peak. Was making 45k a month from patreon donations. That’s about 500k a year if that rate would sustain… In reality they were averaging 15-20k a month closer to 200k a year. Then a MASSIVE mega-corp hits you with legal action amounting to 2.4 billion or 12 YEARS of income… Do you put up a fight? How much of a fight can you put up as a small development team working on an emulator?
How many years do you fight the mega-corp with virtually unlimited money? How much does all those lawyers fees tally up to?
Of course they rolled over. EVEN IF THEY’RE RIGHT, it’s going to be years and years of lawyers. It’s going to be hundreds of thousands of dollars of money spent to defend this. Multiple years of wasted income.
If I was a billionaire and came to your house and made a claim to something under threat of burying you legally. What would your response be? How much could you resist before you have to settle and walk away from it? This happens literally ALL the time. Very few people win.
Yuzu is/was woefully unequipped to handle the situation. They “caved” so quickly because they knew they couldn’t win the fight regardless. They’d exhaust all their income and time. The project would get no further development anyway. So rather than handing over all their assets, money, time, and future income… They just handed over all their assets and current money and the devs can move on to other projects.
This is obvious and normal. You’re just obtuse.
You literally say they did shit wrong
No. I said the emulator was and is legal. You’re the one using “illegal” like you’re trying to pass the bar. Actions the Yuzu devs took show poor intent. The program itself was perfectly fine. Yuzu accepting donations isn’t illegal either by the way.
Don’t know. We’ll find out I suppose. I responded to a different comment of theirs. But I suspect they did.
Edit: They didn’t… So they’re just refusing to answer these particular points.
Nothing illegal was mentioned there on the emulation side. TOTK is a rom in this specific instance. A Rip of a cartridge, which considering how early it was obtained must have been ripped from a cartridge by somebody (probably on the distribution chain or even from someone inside Nintendo). The system keys didn’t change to support that ROM. They were dumb and advertised support for something that they shouldn’t even have which (probably) to Nintendo proves piracy by the devs as they shouldn’t have been able to obtain the rom.
Nothing about this is how YUZU itself operates as a program. It’s not an illegal emulator and you need to stop spouting this nonsense.
Look for yourself, they used someone else’s code, it’s technically not illegal according to the CLA of GitHub , but that’s not relevant to DCMA. It requires them to reverse engineer the code for an emulator, which they didn’t do.
Did you read the link you sent? “it’s coded in an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE.”
Hard to steal code when it’s not the language your program is written in. And even if they did… “btw the entire basis for this claim is a reddit post from 3 years ago with the “stolen code” in question being ~50 lines of minor gui fixes” Doesn’t sound like a whole lot of emulation code is in question here.
The dev provided the means in discord themselves, they also had a google drive with a ripped key, they also had files on discord of roms to test their gamesc which were acquired illegally.
Provide ANY evidence of this please. I don’t participate in Discord. So just stating that they published shit there doesn’t mean much to me.
Please tell me what they did right to claim game preservation…?
I don’t have to. Emulation is 100% covered REGARDLESS of what they did “right” or “wrong”. It’s other actions that caused them to settle. Not YUZU as a program.
The fact that it didn’t go to discovery when other cases have is damning in itself, and you want it in your court? Okay….
No it doesn’t. It doesn’t mean a damn thing. What the fuck are you high on?
The key they used to make the base engine was ripped from online
Proof please. Since it never went to court, nothing like this would have been “found” through the process of discovery. I suspect you’re just making shit up.
They also provided means to publicly available bios keys.
Nope, you had to rip your own to use the software.
They did distribute it, you just had to dig into discord or other means to find it, but it was there.
Users chatting on discord != yuzu doing it.
Nothing about Yuzu itself as a program was illegal. Period. How some of the developers talked in their Discord shows that they were using it for illegal things, which fucked them. Not the application itself.
Because China doesn’t allow Tiktok as we have it. They understand it’s a plague and enforce that it should not exist. So no shit you’re not going to fine the Chinese Tiktok look like our tiktok. That’s literally what I said. FFS.
Bytedance owns it. There is a 20% direct stake by the OG Chinese owners, weird… Original owners are Chinese… and you think their government doesn’t have some say? By Chinese law the owners must give China whatever the fuck China wants (yay communism!). Further, Chinese officials have a seat on the company board. Weird for a 1% stake owner to have a seat on the board.
Weird that a public international company would just allow a government to take ownership stake from them. Huh… totally not chinese though! Chinese owners, direct ownership stake by China (against the remaining owners will, as nobody would willingly give a government ownership of their company that they have majority share in).
I’m so tired of people not calling a spade a spade. You believe what you want. You’ll never be convinced otherwise regardless.