Blowing across a glass coke bottle sound
there’s a snake in my butt
Someone poisoned the doody-hole
You! Are! A! Sex toy!
The silver rimming
An entire opossum head
…it’s gotta be heavy, don’t you think?
Idk, but you got to be into some stuff that’s several standard deviations from ‘normal’ at this point, so I don’t think the weight factors in.
Nah. Taxidermy involves creating a mold of the head/body out of foam, then moving (taxi-) the skin (dermis) over the light foam mold.
Those are not heavy butt plugs, either. The PurePlug is much heavier than those knockoffs.
Sources: ……. Have done taxidermy and own a PurePlug lawl
The internet is a beautiful place.
I would impulse buy that opossum plug even if it was 200USD
This is taking taxidermy to an entirely new level but somehow all my instincts are crying its the wrong one.
taxidermy? more like taxihorny.
wait, i feel like that means something else…
Not going to share the results I got form “taxihorny” but I can’t say I was particularly surprised.
Ok fine, but why do the heads have to look in pain?
I guess being squeezed out of an asshole aint that fun, but the snake one could be a bit less menacing
Exactly what you think they are.
I wish they weren’t.
Nope! Chuck Testa.
My only question is why tf are they all so big??
I like big corks and I cannot lie
what kind of fetish is this? …Do I even want to know?
I just hope these animals didn’t get killed with the purpose of turning them into toys. That is beyond cruel.
That’s a really great price for a rattlesnake butt plug. You would be a fool not to pick one up at that price.
Yeah, cause wine bottles have necks that wide and metal squeezes so well into glass. Who tf do they think they’re fooling? And follow-up question, what in the ever-loving fuck?
It might appear as if one has already been bought, my money is on snake head