This belongs in an economics textbook
Its one of the best summaries I’ve seen in a while.
It’s missing a very important bit tho: namely that the “taxes → bailout → billionaires” funnel is a lot less important than the “billionaire-owned, monopolistic marketplaces for basic-needs/essentials → billionaires” one.
Not only it’s how they get most of their money, but it’s also how they are literally controlling the entire economy, setting the prices for rent, food, and most consumer goods.
This made me think of something fuckin genius. Guillotines are so last century. We need to start turning the rich into human centipedes and giving them crazy names. Like Muzos or something.
This is disgusting, I like it.
That’s something I think should be a growing sentiment, guillotines are now viewed as barbaric, but they were designed to be as humane as possible.
These corpos are unworthy of that consideration.
Jesus Christ
Humanity is one big human centipede. 🤮
Welcome to trickle down economics
The fact the rich don’t see this is like the French Revolution is stupefying. If enough falls at the bottom, the rich are going to be cannibalized.
Amazing, we can still learn so much from them.
Although I appreciate your comment, I don’t think anything will come of it. There are too many other things that grab peoples attention. „Starve to stick it to the dems“ could be an unironical political slogan and people would do it. Same goes for „slave for the billionaires to become a billionaire yourself!“
The problem is that the general population is equally underequipped mentally as they are blinded by shiny stuff they‘ll never have.
Sadly. It’s why I don’t kids. I wouldn’t knowingly bring anyone, or anything into this shitshow of a world. We’re clearly not the smartest species, as the top wouldn’t be speed running itself off a cliff for a carrot on a stick 😂
Sad times indeed.
I thought trickle down economics sounded bad, but apparently it was the more appealing image.
Potato, potatoe?
God society sucks.
societycapitalism sucks.FTFY
societycapitalismsucks.God society capitalismsucks
Trickle down economics 🥂
Always has been, unfortunately. But now with a new bonus added: climate change can kill us all, yay!:-D /s
Dr. Josef Heiter was ahead of his time…
And the rich took note…
What’s more depressing is that if you make $8 an hour, you essentially get all of your paid taxes back at the end of the year because you don’t make enough to pay them. The standard deduction is $13,850 leaving you with $2790 of taxable income for the year. So you’d owe $279 in federal income tax at the end of the year, but you would almost certainly get that reduced to zero after income, child, or housing credits.
What do you know, water down economics does work. To bad it doesn’t do shit.
This is so funny. Please give an award to OP
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