I’m having a hard time.
American when the metric tonne of Reese’s peanutbutter cups, caramel chocolate chip…streusel?, and oreo cookies…falls?
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They’d cry even harder if it contained a metric anything.
True, as an American and when I’m crying on the floor like this, I like to measure my pain in freedom units thank you
I think in this context “the ice” means the ice cream
Yep ice cream is just Eis in German, even if the default is Eiscreme meaning at least 10% milkfat content or even Cremeeis meaning 50% milk, no added water, as well as egg. Frozen custard. It’s just that noone cares what exactly you’re going to order when asking “wanna go eat some ice”?
Fun fact: A felt 99% of ice cream parlours in Germany are called “Venezia” or “Dolomiti” or “Rialto”, which is a quarter of Venice. Because that’s where the founders were from. It’s a fascinating natural phenomenon, flocks of ice cream makers migrating north in early spring and back home late autumn.
And this is the Land of Chocolate leveling this accusation???
Are you confusing Germany with Belgium or with Switzerland? I can’t tell.
He’s thinking of the cake.
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Can I tag #til? I knew it most likely wasn’t German, but I didn’t know it was just named after a guy!
It’s a reference from a Simpsons episode
This person gets it.
Americans when their ice doesn’t contain…
… cum
Muh cumstitutional rights!
I scream, you scream, we all scream in America.
Why do so many Europeans seem to think the whole country is Texas?
I imagine the same reason so many Americans think of the UK as just London, or France as just Paris. I don’t know what that reason is, but I imagine it’s probably the same reason.
Honestly I can’t get Wiltshire out of my head. Rhotal rs? What? They sound like they’re from New England until they say something that makes my brain twist. I love it.
That’s not true America is Texas, Florida (if it involves alligators or trans-hatred), California, Las Vegas and New York. Everything else is irrelevant.
Massachusetts is literally the most significant state. It’s a forest with health care. We’re basically elves.
Hmmm idk about that Vermont is much closer to being elves than any part of Mass I’ve ever seen
Nah this ain’t it. I speak a little German and I can’t get this without a translation tool. Never seent enthält before and am not sure what it means in this context. Have never seen the candies before and am not sure what some of them are.
Here’s one that basically doesnt need translating, though you do need to be familiar with German language and culture to “get” the joke https://debeste.de/upload/15fc2c08e3b25fbb96204b723c84088a7659.jpg
To contain, include, incorporate. To abstain really doesn’t make sense in this context. That abstain meaning I think uses the “return to natural state” meaning of ent- (number 1). Think “unhold” in the sense of “cease to hold a position”, that’s “to abstain”, the contain one… I’m not 100% but I think it’s number 6: A thing is furnished such that the adjective becomes true. The cookie is enholden with chocolate chips.
karamellsirus is a misspelling, Karamellsirup should be obvious. crunshies, too, is a misspelt crunchies. Only one that shouldn’t be recognisable is Regenbogenstreusel, rainbow sprinkles. Like on doughnuts.
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Casual bigotry, truly wonderful.
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Just wait until I bring my professional bigotry.
That’s nothing against my ranked competitive bigotry.
Bro is trying to defend fat ppl 💀
Uh, excuse me. We call ourselves “Americans”, not “fat people”. Thank you
Speak for yourself
they’re speaking for 77% of americans; who are you?! lol
Making fun of american ice cream flavors is bigotry now? lmao