Are you shitposting, I can’t tell
Are you shitposting, I can’t tell
I need to start using negative numbers to refer to BC years
There are projects out there with excellent practices with a good culture surrounding quality where people aren’t told to kill themselves. There are other ways to establish that culture and set high expectations.
It absolutely is. It’s not the place to learn the basics obviously, but members need to learn what is expected of them, just like on any other team/organization.
Linus’s outbursts absolutely hinder growth. He’s lucky that his project has become so important and people will work on it regardless, but he and the Linux kernel would have been better off if he was wasn’t driving people away as much as he was.
They’re job providers, we need to give them all the tax breaks
Why? The fat used is sausage drippings. I can’t see how that doesn’t count is a gravy, even if you’re being very pedantic about it (which you are).
Honestly why? I’ve actually been seeing too much generic boring meme content on here and if anything I want to see less of it.
Agree, but to me they’re no different from any other genocide denying pieces of shit. If you are a NATO apologist that sees what happened to Iraq or what is currently happening to Gaza as any less abhorrent, you are just as bad as someone apologizing for Russia or the USSR.
What a weird post to get upset and offended over
Yes now go download it
Perhaps he was an Italian fascist instead
Thank you for the gaben 😔🙏
It’s also possible that you’re just over video games and need something more to keep yourself stimulated
I agree! Let me know when you find an uncorrupt government or uncorrupt corporation.
Agreed but I’m almost glad that happened since I’m off Reddit
I get the sentiment but how is marble masculine aesthetic? Unless I’m missing something and the guy who said it was a cumstain was being serious.
I think in this context “the ice” means the ice cream
I wish I could be this optimistic