The petrosexual male, who can only get sexual aroused by loud rumbling engines and black sooty exhaust. It’s a well known fact they have lost the ability to get it up for a woman a long time ago. Be very careful when entering they’re garage as you can find many fluids in the floor, and not all are from the vehicle.
Can’t blame them when they decided to marry the largest right wing woman they could find.
“You want me to wear a flashlight to bed? Huh, this looks like those lights on your truck. And why is your phone making that engine noise? Is that SOOT in the humidifier?!”
So many lightbars…my god. This is someone that hates people.
And is hated by people.
Locally Hated
Your username. Delightful!
I bet they didn’t even upgrade or install a second alternator.
But I hate people without doing this. Help!
Y’all know this is photoshopped right? The actual truck probably has half the number of light bars. Totally reasonable.
Ah the “I think being an asshole is a personality” person
I’m really glad I live in a place where this driver would get a big fine the first time they’re stopped, and most likely get their vehicle impounded if they were seen more than a few days later with the lights still attached.
(EDIT: Anyone complaining that they need this many are lying or they have very low intelligence. If you need this llevel of light, you have a generator and actual lights in the back of the truck. If you need one or two of the huge ones for actual work, you’d have covers for them, which makes it legal again(since you’d have to stop the car and get out to turn them on, and can’t just flick them on while driving since that is a deadly hazard to others))
Switches light bars on, battery shrivels up like an old balloon.
That’s no problem, he can hook it up to some spare batteries on the passenger seat. It’s not like anybody’s going to be sitting there
There’s one of these on my street :(
Is it hard to resist the urge to fuck with it?
I would so just tape cheap IKEA LED bars on the hood of my Prius and park next to it.
I would be tempted to surreptitiously add more and more lights to their truck over a period of months. Maybe a bar light at first, but eventually it would devolve into christmas lights, old lightbulbs, etc. It’d be hard to pull off but worth it IMO.
This might be illegal in your area. Might be worth a non emergency call to the cops and let them know the owner always flashes the houses around at midnight not letting people sleep.
Depends on where they live cause the cops might be these same people
BuT I NeED mY TRuCk fOr WOrK 🥴
My buddy is a general contractor and actually does need a truck for his job. Ironically he has a really hard time finding one with a large enough bed for what he needs anymore. Most of the trucks being built now are designed with hauling groceries home from the Costco in mind, not hauling lumber and sheets of drywall.
My brother is in the market for a truck. He wants it to actually put things in the back of it, specifically a motorcycle.
I know that there are trucks out there that have beds big enough, there has to be, but holy moly it’s like every truck bed is made for 3 grocery bags and a 6 pack. I can haul more in the back of my GTI then some of these trucks out here. When the hell did they turn so useless??
If I have to hook up a trailer to carry most things what’s the point of a truck
Last year I bought a truck with an 8ft bed. Its very unusual to see a single cab long bed truck that’s as new as mine (2012) without it being someone’s fleet truck, in fact, it’s the only one I’ve seen for sale locally. The next cheapest truck was twice the price, had twice the miles, but it also had a 4 door cab and a little 5 foot bed. It’s apparently what most people want.
I don’t get short bed trucks at all. If you can’t lay down in it it’s not a bed. You’re better off with a station wagon in 95% of situations.
Or a minivan. You can load a lot into a Dodge caravan that has the seats removed or folded up.
Also has the mirrors on trailer extension so pavement princess can look bigger but they never connect a trailer
And if they do pull a trailer, it’s 20 under the speed limit in the passing lane.
As a carpenter, I’m just curious how you think the building you live in got built?
Do you really think this clown car is used as a work vehicle?
97% of carpenters on the planet don’t need tiny-penis trucks mate, there is literally no reason for them to exist
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Yep open vans have 4x the space. You occasionally see tiny-penis trucks in Europe and I always make a point of looking in the back - it’s always immaculate and unused
these trucks are always used by men who look like they are very “confident” in their masculinity, much like pitbull owners.
Exactly, thank you 🫱🫱
My house was built by a mason long before cars even existed.
This is precisely why they can’t have houses in China because all the roads are tiny and they can’t fit a truck big enough to haul a 2x4.
Not with a truck like this, I can promise you lol. This is not the truck of someone who needs to do any work with it. Or even go offroad with it.
This is an SUV for a man who who’s masculinity is too fragile to own a “feminine” SUV or minivan, so they stick a little tiny bed on the back and he can walk around saying that he uses his truck for Serious Business.
Seeing as the walls are made of 8x8 logs, I have no clue.
If the local contractors are any indication, they probably haul their stuff on and in an old minivan.
In my country they use vans like a Mercedes Sprinter because you can actually keep your stuff dry and even make a little workshop in there. The only use I can think of for a pickup truck is maybe gardeners so they don’t have to haul a trailer for their green waste? Could also maybe be useful to haul strawbales if you have a small farm. But you can just do that in a trailer behind your van as well, and your equipment will be dry inside the van and you can leave the trailer when you don’t need it.
Mine is built from enough concrete and brick to sink most ships. And most wood frame houses are built from timber trucked in on a flatbed.
Nobody does large amounts of hauling with a pickup.
They get a transit van if they actually need to move things around.
Not enough light bars, hard pass.
Light bars are expensive! I’ll take what I can get from conquest.
Someone’s afraid of the dark.
No-one can convince me this person doesn’t have brain damage due to lead poisoning.
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The larger the exhaust the more things they like in their butt
Rims are too narrow
I drive a Unimog to prove my penis is small but prehensile.