I wish every dumbass startup a very go to hell
Capital be like: Pay a fair wage to people working these jobs? 👎🫣🙅 Go for the stupidest idea that will never work like this one just cause “innovation”? 🙈🙉💸💸
Despite its overflowing war chest, however, Zume’s business suffered from a critical flaw: it’s apparently quite difficult to cook a pizza while it’s in the back of a moving vehicle
If this was the crux of the issue, I want to know if they tried to employ any kind of stabilizing system to keep the pizza level and shock free.
I thought that said Zune at first
Me too!
Same lol
“What if we did pets.com, but for pizza?”
Obviously not remotely the same, but it appears nothing was learned from the 2000 bubble.
We need to have a running tally on the amount of VC money that has been burned on completely idiotic investments like these.
I think you could’ve told this to a six year old and they would’ve told you this is a stupid idea.
I’m not so sure about the last part, this seems exactly like an idea a 6-year-old would suggest but just with additional tech buzzwords.
Wow, this beats Juicero in the “stupid food startup” category.
Zume went the way of Zune.
It’s not exactly the same but my city has “robot pizza machines” that are basically glorified vending machines with pizza that’s cooked daily and reheated on demand. It works really well for the company because they specifically put the machines in neighbourhoods where people go to drink.
I think as far as automated pizza goes, that’s the best way to do it.
Kind of like the Japanese vending machines. I think those kind of thing are awesome (and practical if you need a fast bite) and would love to see them in America more.
Vending machines like this are reliant on foot traffic. It would be viable in some American cities, but the majority of the country is car dependent.
Of course we would have to fix that major issue with all of America. Car centric cities are simply terrible.
I’m in Tokyo right now and got 100% real orange juice squeezed in a vending machine. Every five seconds I just go “man America fucking SUCKS”
How different is that than buying 100% fruit juice from the supermarket? Like does it really taste different.
No but it juiced it for me and that’s cool as hell
Truly ahead of its time.