I wonder if they are complying with the Texas law of no unsolicited nude images? I, myself, uninstalled it, but if you’re curious, here’s the law
I wonder if they are complying with the Texas law of no unsolicited nude images? I, myself, uninstalled it, but if you’re curious, here’s the law
I believe this might fit your use. https://onedev.io/ it’s open source as per here: https://github.com/theonedev/onedev When I worked for BioWare for ten years (EA for 13) we used a very awesome product called QuickBuild (Build system, Jenkins is trash. QB is based on Hudson) made by them, pmease. Robin Shine is the dev and he’s really cool, very responsive. Check it out, they make good stuff.
This is perfect if you’re going the kanban route, which is arguably sufficient. It’s nice that they have different deployments and a demo.
If you’re that dumb, it’s natural selection at that point.
Yeah when I worked at BioWare we would do things gradually, then I moved to EA Mobile and staging and testing was like a foreign concept. It was wild. Fortunately that changed, but having a staging instance is really really important, as I’m sure many people now realize. Sometimes lessons are hard. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It sounds exactly like a Microsoft fix.
Just imagine if it’s a build farm with hundreds of machines. Jesus. That’s a hell I wouldn’t even wish on my worst enemy.
I used to work at video game company and Joplin was the code name for one of our projects, so now every time I see that word, I instantly think of that game. I think it was dragon age lol. Anyway, if I can get past that PTSD I might check out this editor! lol /s
For anyone who didn’t know about ed, such as I did not: https://linux.die.net/man/1/ed
Ooo vi how fancy! (The jealous inner dialogue wishing I knew more vi commands) 😝🤣
edit: it’s like when you’re programming and you need to use regex, but like you don’t know it, but you should, and you need help from that “one person that KNOWS regex”. That feeling. I need to get that regex card game and play that vi adventures game. lol
edit2: I actually love vim it’s a good tool
Just like the exterior of their new gigafactory in Austin.
I remember watching zdtv as a kid in jr high? Lol these days, after seeing that article, i think i muttered “they’re still around?”
Ironic that ZD-Net is speaking of relevancy. Ha
Yeah i don’t think another wiki is a reliable source. I think that would fall under user forums or some shit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Verifiability#Reliable_sources either way, good for them lol
Lol it’s not new, it’s always been like this for as long as i can remember. Keyboard warriors will be exactly that. You just have to work around it. It’s precisely why i never became an admin. These days i just stick to typo fixes using awb. Useful but not too much.
As a 15 year long editor to Wikipedia, this comment is exactly how i feel and it’s hilarious.
edit: my God i just waisted 2 minutes of my life I’ll never get back reading that article. 40 editors are a SPEED BUMP when it comes to editing the Wikipedia. Also what’s up with the terms they are using for group of editors? Lol
What id like to see is the appeal to the admin thread on the Wikipedia. Instead we have a slate article about this click bait bullshit.
Right i posted the same thing on another nothing chats thread a few days ago. It’s such a bizarre statement that’s just not true.
This makes me roll my eyes. From the Sunbird faq:
Will the app [sunbird] be open source?
Some of the messaging community believes that software that is open source is more secure. It is our view that it is not. The more visibility there is into the infrastructure and code, the easier it is to penetrate it. By design, open source software is distributed in nature. There is no central authority to ensure quality and maintenance and by putting that responsibility on Sunbird, development would not be feasible. Open source vulnerabilities typically stem from poorly written code that leave gaps, which attackers can use to carryout malicious activities.
To help satisfy our own ambitious goals of providing total privacy and security, we are currently undergoing a third party audit that will validate our security, encryption and data policies and plan on receiving ISO 27001 certification after launch.
Sure Jan.
edit: source: https://www.sunbirdapp.com/ at the bottom
I wonder how long they’ve been working on this integration and i bet they didn’t see this coming: Apple says iPhones will support RCS in 2024 . I mean it’s technically not the same product. RCS will replace sms/mms and “Nothing Chats” is an iMessage back door (?).
I mean honestly, if you’re worried, I’d root the device and install a custom ROM that is privacy focused.