Agreed. Another review has a picture holding it and it looks like typical banana size. That banana is just a banana of unusual size.
But that much root beer would raise the sea level! Then again it would make the sea near europe mildly root beer flavored for a while…
Frankly that sign would be A LOT weirder if they didn’t
Children should be kept further away from BDSM.
France is a lie schemed up by the British monarchy in the 1400s to reinforce traditional power structures via a common enemy.
If terf queen’s home is a “mouldy shack” then my house must be a cardboard box by the river (not even a van).
Why are the alternatives all so defecatory…
Hold candy bar in hand
Contemplate the dark void in your soul that this sweet treat will never fill
ACABB - All Cops Are Brontosaurus Bait
But what about the things the cables plug into? I know I’m not washing anything with a capacitor.
Also toothbrush, soap, shampoo, comb, first aid kit, and ironically toilet paper.
Don’t forget to calculate the location where everything about them began and then include the curvature of Earth considering the latitude of said location into your speed calculation.
The vibrator company also makes vehicles?
Women are the best of the best and most of the world
Dnd5e you might be. D20 to confirm do you roll.
I just watched it and carl doesn’t swear in episode 3. In fact I didn’t hear any profanity nor see any flesh-on nudity in the whole serie. So family friendly in my book!
The regret is that you had to chop up 3 friends to make it!
It’s just a small gap between her strokes of the d and she’s teaching Spanish not handwriting. Much better than doctor handwriting.