So tight rule
NSFWWhy do I read MFW as motherfuckers?
because you’re too UwU for your own good, pronouncing it Motherfuwuckers
Wait, it isn’t? I always read it as “Motherfuckers when”, and when I asked to make sure I was told I am indeed correct.
Idk, I always read it as motherfuckers and always confused why is there w
we should probably stop using mfw. most of the time there isn’t even a face it’s refering to anyway
What face? MFW is Motherfuckers
My feeling when
Why does it feel like it’d make more sense of the faces were swapped. Like shouldn’t one be relieved if that phrase was said because they’re recieving treatment from a physiotherapist, rather than the other way around?
Getting stretched out in sexual context: “Feels good man”.
Getting your muscles, tendons, and ligaments manipulated post injury by a physical therapist: “Feels really bad man”.
Ah, that makes sense. I havn’t been to a physiotherapist before so I didn’t know what they did, thanks for the info!
If you allow your body to heal without ensuring that you have proper range of motion, it will be very difficult to get it back. The therapist makes sure you do it. It can be extremely unpleasant.