It’s easy to talk about how people on food stamps should just cook healthy meals… when you have a house, with a kitchen, and a fridge, and aren’t working 3 jobs, and don’t have kids that are bombarded with ads for sugar coated sugar ………………………
Besides, a person of food stamps could be eating a healthy diet, but still simply want a treat once in a while without destroying their finances, because, it turns out, the poors sometimes want to enjoy things.
This is exactly it. People are outraged imagining that other people on food stamps are out eating lobster dinners every night and they cheer on the idea of adding all sorts of restrictions on what people are allowed to buy. It’s dehumanizing and it doesn’t actually solve any problems, it just creates new ones. Now people are at the store trying to figure out what they can afford because spaghetti is covered but spaghetti sauce is not and no one has time to make a fresh spaghetti sauce from scratch after working two jobs but some fuck thought it was funny to stick it to the poors and pass a bunch of complicated restrictions that make it a pain in the ass for everyone.
No one can possibly have food sensitivities or allergies to common and cheap ingredients. Everyone is able to cook everything from scratch. Disability is just mind over matter. You just have to MAKE time and prioritize. You need to work more than one job? MAKE the time. Just sleep less. Not feeling well because of that? Well, I struggled too (in college, where I didn’t have many responsibilities and there was also an end date) so you can do it!
You just have to want it.
Signed, someone that was given all the speeches when I asked for help because I was broke and occasionally homeless. Makes you not want to ask for help any more.
It’s easy to talk about how people on food stamps should just cook healthy meals… when you have a house, with a kitchen, and a fridge, and aren’t working 3 jobs, and don’t have kids that are bombarded with ads for sugar coated sugar ………………………
It’s just another way to punish the poor.
Besides, a person of food stamps could be eating a healthy diet, but still simply want a treat once in a while without destroying their finances, because, it turns out, the poors sometimes want to enjoy things.
This is exactly it. People are outraged imagining that other people on food stamps are out eating lobster dinners every night and they cheer on the idea of adding all sorts of restrictions on what people are allowed to buy. It’s dehumanizing and it doesn’t actually solve any problems, it just creates new ones. Now people are at the store trying to figure out what they can afford because spaghetti is covered but spaghetti sauce is not and no one has time to make a fresh spaghetti sauce from scratch after working two jobs but some fuck thought it was funny to stick it to the poors and pass a bunch of complicated restrictions that make it a pain in the ass for everyone.
Signed, someone that was given all the speeches when I asked for help because I was broke and occasionally homeless. Makes you not want to ask for help any more.