Tbh the 196 drama was more fun to be here for than when I logged in on 12/30 to see Dansup had been having a meltdown for six hours straight over 3rd party apps


He’s deleted everything now, as he should have. But the damage is done.

  • Xilabar the Dice Goblin@dice.campOP
    2 months ago

    I was just thinking: there has to be other screenshots of his meltdown, right? The one i found can’t be the only one?

    Tbh I don’t want to cancel him or anything, his code is better than mine and on the whole he seems about as okayish as @db0. I dont think he’s gonna go mad with power and pull an Elon with Pixelfed, and I think he’s probably a good dude offline. Like, at worst I might accuse him of being a libertarian or an ancap. He’s probably fine.