Reading this post in Jerboa is mildly infuriating. You keep clicking the wrong upvote button.
7000 upvotes on lemmy 👆🤯🤯
The sound of my mechanical keyboard is a small part of why I like it.
It’s mainly the feel. Mmmm… clicky clack.
I like the audible feedback that I pressed the button along with the tactile feedback. This really helped me with the fatigue strain in my fingers as I no longer press the button all the way down at full strength.
- Step 1: Purchase IBM Model M 104 keyboard and USB adapter for work
- Step 2: Test it out writing code/documentation/long winded email
- Step 3: Wait for boss to respond to co-worker complaints about it
- Step 4: Suggest it was done to improve productivity and if they are unhappy with it, suggest a WFH schedule instead
- Step 5: WFH and enjoy your clicky click as intended
This only works if you are really, really, really good at your job. Usually we just fire you for insubordination. We tell you what hardware you will use in the office. We are happy to purchase you any hardware you need to accommodate disabilities too. And we’ll make sure that hardware doesn’t intentionally annoy your coworkers. :)
This is the part where someone tells me we can do heavy equipment manufacturing remotely.
Step 1: Acquire IBM 5251 with working solenoid and xwattsit converter board
Step 2: Get fired
Step 3: collect unemployment
Step 4:???
Step 5: profit
South Park Gnomes would like a word with you on a more profitable model…
Am i the only one that likes quiet keyboards?
Nope. I think clicky switches are awful and disrespectful in shared spaces.
Remember when typewriters were a thing? How did anyone survive?
Fans have an annoying constant whirrrrrrrrrr noice.
Switches have a interactive clikclak that lets me think I’m an angry crab snapping at someone thats annoying me.
It’s all about feel. Mechanical keyboards just feel so very good.
edit: Actually, I’m wrong. It’s also about sound. There are silent mechanical keyboards. They just aren’t of the Lethani.
And to add on: improved precision when typing. My WPM honestly improved once I started bring my lubed Holy Panda board to work and forwent the membrane keeb my work provided.
I like the feedback from clicking. A bit like listening to your own voice, not because I like it, but because of feeling present in reality.
Same as sitting near an open window, listening to the street and the wind and maybe rain.
I used to live in a single storey, converted barn and I loved hearing the sound of the rain on the roof. Your comment took me right back to that
Yeah, why do some people like listening themselfes talk?
Fans = noise Clicky keyboard = voice of god
But most “gaming” switches are most silent… Usually more silent than membrane keyboards even
If the pc is too loud you cannot bask in the glory of the clacks.
Alas, streaming means I have to use quiet switches now.
There is a place and a time to be loud.
I’m Autistic, i need me some Linearity.
I use silent tactile switches im not pictured here.
Still too loud.
Brown Switches!!!
deleted by creator
Give a gateron milky yellow or an everglide aqua king v3 a try, they are as smooth as silk with a little lube.
I feel attacked.
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it