I can never blame Henry, he has been though a lot with me controlling his life.
I’m not based or up to date with times, an ignorant fool who lives on a tiny planet.
I can never blame Henry, he has been though a lot with me controlling his life.
I hate it especially when it happens on my offline single player game, that’s definitely why I’m getting my ass handed to me by these 4 heavily armed bandits.
I seriously thought they were talking about giving out a global warning or something and scrolled by confused, scrolling Lemmy again and seeing it once more I realized they were talking global warming
That’s looks more like they want to finger it
Glitched/bug machines are the best in games, I used to enjoy Reid Captain on YT when he would use some physics bending engine to move so fast it’s basically like teleportation.
They leave the borders in ruins (the door left open)
Yeah, the image on this post went from graphic to p##nographic :D
When I was young watching it, I thought they were aliens or something with pink blood, took me half the show to realize it was a form of censorship of blood
It’s sad that firefox only exists to keep chrome from becoming a monopoly, around 80% of Mozilla’s income is from Google to keep google.com the default search engine.
I tried Vivaldi and honestly it looks and feel amazing, but the issue is that it’s chromium based, but if mozilla put more effort in actually working on firefox, I would love it even more. Wish librewolf had a mobile app
Now I’m curious if the user is the same as this guy https://youtube.com/@jaubrey
We like our apps to match our waists xD
They meant that it costs less for apple, not the customer
Choking hazard, dangerous indeed
What is a tankie?
On the outside, I’m an 8, but on the inside, a 6
I am the Lorax, I speak to the trees, and the trees speak Vietnamese.
Eleventeen eleventy one for 11111
Science classes would be so much more interesting if the teachers dressed up as wizards/witches
The only thing I’ll finish setting up is Nextcloud ❤️