The other replies are incorrect, the lower tier premium actually has no ads on most videos. When you subscribe, they explicitly let you know music videos will play ads, probably so this plan is not eating away profits of YouTube music.
The other replies are incorrect, the lower tier premium actually has no ads on most videos. When you subscribe, they explicitly let you know music videos will play ads, probably so this plan is not eating away profits of YouTube music.
Slightly unrelated but this is an awesome picture that I’d love to have a print of. Does anybody know the author or source?
stop typing you’re blocking the view thx
Sadly, being open minded doesn’t automatically make someone smart. But I’ve personally had only good experiences with metal fans, so I’m anecdotally primed to believe what you describe is not a very significant problem, or at least not more widespread than in the general population.
I believe an open mind is a prerequisite for liking metal. It’s not the most accessible genre and kind of a musical acquired taste.
Very smart of her to use a fake name on Twitter to prevent doxxing.
More specifically, the symbol represents the visible veins on a characters forehead when they are angry, probably due to the increase in blood pressure.
my whole childhood in the 90s was the “ozone layer is dying” but at the same time optimistic outlook on life?
I find it curious how in Spanish the masculine gender is used by default, but in Germany it’s the feminine. Katze is the female cat, Kater is the male.
There is a place and a time to be loud.
I disagree with every single word you have written and absolutely hate this post.