As a night shift gremlin myself, fucking /signed.
I need an 11PM Koblasnik pls. With boudin instead of sausage.
I’m thinking more a Louisiana style Cajun boudin. It’s like dirty rice in a sausage casing. But spicy.
That’s what I was thinking too.
I’ve never had meat that still has blood in it. What does it taste like? I feel like it would just have a super strong iron flavor.
Oddly enough, blood sausage, or at least the kind most common here in Denmark, tastes a lot like cookies. Specifically traditional Danish brown cookies
Honest to God thought there was gonna be something in those cookies that made them taste like blood lol
But no they actually sound pretty good I might have to try them.
I absolutely recommend that you do!
Of the hundreds if not thousands of different kinds of cookies I’ve tasted, they’re in the top 20 for sure, maybe even top 10!
God I miss proper sourdough living in SF. It’s the one thing bodegas here in NYC don’t do right. AK Subs in soma SF has the greatest sourdough I’ve ever had, used to live around the corner and literally would order from them 2x a day sometimes. Was so awesome having my own sandwich too. Lmao they knew my caller ID.
Yeah. That sounds awesome.
I feel like this person’s mind would be blown by a 24 hour donut shop.
There’s one a few miles down the road from me, never been in but I’m tempted every time I drive past.
One of these days you’ll drive by and it’ll be closed, and you won’t know it then, but it won’t reopen. I’m not trying to sound cryptic, I’m just saying you should try it before you miss out on the chance.I suppose you could also apply that advice more broadly if you wanted to.
I mean, it’s a donut shop. There’s at least three others within a couple miles.
I think they mainly stay open to serve cops, and I generally try to avoid them.
Okay fair enough. Looking back idk what the fuck I was on last night lol.
Local shop was closing down so I finally had one of their pizzas. Best Pizza ever and I only ever got to have one.
Back in college, a local doughnut shop would open at 3am to start making the run for the day. If you were stoned or pulling an all-nighter, it was worth the 15m walk. They would sell you fresh, warm doughnuts out the back.
Nowadays, a lot of places do the fresh doughnut thing. But it’s not the same, getting it at 3am.
It took me a few seconds to process why 15 meters of walking would ever not be worth it.
I actually used to open around 5am and I was the only person open at that time near a major highway so work crews would line up out the door for focaccia, donuts, and muffins until after 8
Then it would be dead for 4 hours
Then line again
Then dead for 6 hours
Then closed.
The major issue is staying open has to justify the cost of employees and while bread is particularly good for turnover rate, food in general has a very low margin and bread has low shelf life. Also, the facilities ideally should be cleaned between uses so you have to schedule downtime even while staying open.
But yes an urban environment should have more night options.
In the US we have Insomnia Cookies, who deliver until 3am. Pretty much just desserts but still, baked goods lol.
Got a 24hr bakery quite near me in Christchurch, New Zealand. Unfortunately their prices are quite high, but when I can spare the money, it’s a godsend for a night worker. Think their pies are $7 now? Back in my day (not that long ago) you could get a bakery pie for $3 goddamn
Bakery prices are getting insane here too. But God, there’s nothing better than a fresh loaf of bread. I can’t help it. I’m an addict.
I believe Greggs has a few of those in London.
Get yourself to Bob’s Donuts on Polk Street in San Francisco after 9pm. Unlike the majority of coffee shops, Bobs does its donut deep frying on site and is the donut supplier for the rest of the city. It’s a great place to take a date whose bones you’re eager to jump.
Order whatever they’re making right now, and taste the bliss of a five-minute-old donut.
You will never be the same.
Near my university there was an underground bakery open from 18:30 to 6:30, and whenever you were drunk or high coming out of some university party or just a night of drinking with your friends you’d end up going there and it was amazing. At a reasonable cost, some high sugar and fat pastries, or just a warm croissant, served by an immigrant man in his 50s who would call everyone nephew. All this through a tiny barred window below the earth. A wonderful thing.
Not with that punctuation
Fr, I just went to a bakery today around 2pm and it was nearly empty. For night shift workers or people with wonky sleep schedules bakeries are inaccessible
It’s a sin against the the very fabric of the universe!
Now this is something to fight for. I am ready.