I’d live in perpetual winter if I could. You can dress for the cold, but at some point the heat and humidity make it impossible to be comfortable outside regardless of your outfit.
Being hot and sweaty is uncomfortable, granted.
But there’s a point where the cold is outright physically painful. And unless you’re wearing a full face mask, you’re pretty much always going to have some part of yourself exposed.
You also have to weigh the discomfort of being hot against the discomfort of wearing a ton of heavy clothing, and even all the time wasted pulling on and taking off coats, hats, & etc. every time you to outside.
For me, summer wins every time.
I’ve been outside bundled up in 0°. It was unpleasant.
I’ve been outside in as little as I could legally get away with in 110°.
No contest: I’ll take the cold.
I also prefer the cold myself, but you know it gets much colder than 0°F in lots of places right?
There isn’t a place on Earth that gets cold enough that you can’t put on enough clothing to make it surviveable for a few hours.
The human body is endothermic. It regulates it’s own temperature by burning energy to create heat, but it doesn’t have a mechanism to cool itself in a humid environment.
At high humidity, 95 degrees can be lethal to a hydrated, healthy adult.
Last summer we 45 consecutive days over 100 degrees in a very humid climate.
Winter is hell for me. I live in Sweden, and the winters are just the worst. Everything sort of comes to a stop, people feel miserable, it’s constantly dark and you sort of go into an emotional hibernation of sorts. Also dressing for the cold is not exactly easy either, you would have to go around with a balaclava to not get that biting cold that just cuts through all clothing and hurts your face.
But yeah, cold in itself would be manageable to a certain degree if it was bright until like 7 PM the winter around. Cold is annoying and difficult, and dark is annoying and difficult, but together it’s almost handicapping to me, even though I don’t feel like I have SAD or anything like that.
It doesn’t help that it seems as though our climate has changed so we either have A) Summer from June to August, and then a fucking eternal autumn (but the sad part of autumn without any leaves and constant grey skies and wet brown leaves on the ground) from September to January, and then winter from January to April, spring from late April to June.
B) Summer from June to August, autumn in late september to October, then winter and snow from November to fucking May, and then we have spring for 2 weeks and then we head directly into summer.
Yeah idk. Winter is not for me.
It depends on where in Sweden you live of course, but I always loved the moment the first snow was on the ground. It immediately makes the entire surroundings feel less glum, even during the short days of winter.
Agree on the impact of climate change though. The seasons used to be reliable like clockwork, and that hasn’t really been the case for the last decade and a half or so.
If you’re cold in winter you can always put on another layer.
If you’re hot in summer, eventually all you can do is suffer. :)
It feels like we have to keep screaming this at peoples faces for them to understand.
It’s impossible to survive and be productive or do anything useful in the fucking heat.
Some people prefer being hot to being cold. Like me. Except for when I’m sleeping.
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Snuggles you
In Holland we have 99% humidity all winter with temperatures right around freezing and no matter how many layers you add the cold wet air seeps in and chills you to the bone.
I see you have not experienced -30C going on and and on for weeks on end. I promise you, the little wet chills are better. Especially when its windy, though I imagine you dutch know all about that nastyness.
I’ve experienced -50c where I live, it’s typically only for a few days per winter but those days are absolutely terrible. It literally hurts to breathe when you’re outside and you can feel your nose freezing up, and your eyelashes freeze shut if you blink too long or too much.
Even a quick 5 minute walk is excruciating. It’s always a good reminder of my mortality to be outside in that weather, being locked out of warmth would be a quick death sentence.
Or use AC
I love winter. 6 hours of sun per day and the color gray is all I ever wanted in life.
Gray his house With a gray little window And a gray corvette And everything is gray for him
It’s not the heat that kills me. It’s mostly the added humidity. (Germany)
I can’t say I’m unhappy to not live in a no place with no mosquitoes because it is the worst
Wtf is you saying
Fixed it
Homie. I still dont understand. Why so many nos and nots.
Three negatives!
- I can say I’m happy to not live in a place with mosquitoes
- I can say I’m unhappy to live in a place with mosquitoes
- I can’t say I’m happy to live in a place with mosquitoes
Fixed it
I’d rather be cold and miserable then hot and angry.
Title of your sex tape?
Summer here (south of Spain) is shit. The heat is unbearable.
You ever been swarmed by mosquitoes in the snow? No? Case closed.
Here me out please.
Throughout most of the time humans existed we lived a migratory existence. It is only with the adoption of agriculture that staying in one place sense made sense.
Now here we are, with like 2% of our population involved with agriculture and still living that way.
We should all migrate like birds and stay in cooler climes during summer and warmer climes in the winter.
Obviously this is a huge change, but we can do it!
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There is no such thing as too cold. There is only under dressed. At least that’s what the old fucks say. I like me a toasty summer but that doesn’t make it any less true thst its easier to get warm when your cold than it is to get cool when your too hot.
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I’ve worked outside in -50 with a 30km/h wind, more than once. It’s not fun, but I would take that in a heartbeat to +40. I can dress for -50; at +40 there’s only so many clothes I can take off before I get arrested.
And I’ve worked in sweltering heat with high humidity and it’s a lot easier for a layman to survive the heat than the cold. You need gear and burning resouces to survive the cold. All you need with the heat is some shade and maybe a dip in the river/lake/pool. Like I said in my other comment, there’s a reason homeless flock to warm climates. It’s easier to survive.
That’s great and all, but living in cold climates is less sustainable and uses more resources than warm climates: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/03/130328075710.htm
Very US centric take. I’d be curious to see how Dubai or Singapore stack up in terms of energy consumption per capita compared to large cold-climate cities. Everything is air conditioned and there is so much enclosed space because being outside sucks so bad.
There are extremes at both ends. I live in a place where you have to pay for heat 6 months out of the year to survive. Most of the warm climates I’ve lived in have 1-2 unbearable months max. Why do you think you see so many homeless in warm climates?