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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Just got a cat a few months ago, her previous owner spoiled her with lots of canned food. Little shit expects to be fed with a mix of canned and dry food 3 times a day. Now she only gets dry food in the morning and then canned mixed with dry after I get home from work.

    Constantly complains it’s not enough lol it definitely gets on my nerves at times. Canned is expensive and I don’t make nearly as much as her last owner. She’s slowly learning but not fast enough for my liking.

  • First it was “politically correct/PC” then they switched to “woke” and now it’s “DEI”. Anyone with two brain cells knows what they mean yet they still think they’re being clever.

    Really wish these people would grow a pair and just admit they don’t like anyone that isn’t a straight white person instead of hiding behind dumbass buzzwords like the cowards that they are. Same with all the neo nazis hiding behind masks despite the fact they were most likely part of the group constantly crying about them during covid.

    Fucking cowards is what the right is. They know their beliefs are shitty and hateful so they hide behind anything they can and give zero fucks about the hypocrisy. Scum bags, the whole lot of em.

  • The Starcraft cutscenes are awesome, both SC1 and SC2 as well as both games being awesome. Obviously you’re not gonna get movie level graphics in game. RTS games aren’t about graphics but about how the game plays and both Starcraft games are still the best RTS out there.

    Fuck modern blizzard but they used to make some awesome games. There’s a reason Starcraft is still the premier RTS to this day despite both games ages. They both play extremely well (SC1 less so but its aged impressively well) and I still play both casually.

  • Do you not spend at least half of every day being angry about how much capitalism sucks? Filthy shitlib, you’re no better than a right winger /s

    It’s no wonder the right is on the rise all around the world, they don’t have “purity tests” the way a lot of left wingers do. They don’t give a shit, if you support the cause then you’re one of them.

    But the left? “Oh you don’t 100% support everything I want? Guess I’ll just not vote because both sides are just as shitty”

    To clarify, I’m an NDP voter which is the left most party in Canada.

  • I’ve experienced -50c where I live, it’s typically only for a few days per winter but those days are absolutely terrible. It literally hurts to breathe when you’re outside and you can feel your nose freezing up, and your eyelashes freeze shut if you blink too long or too much.

    Even a quick 5 minute walk is excruciating. It’s always a good reminder of my mortality to be outside in that weather, being locked out of warmth would be a quick death sentence.