Are there any non furries in infosec?
I’ve yet to see any :p
My take on computer science: Without transgender people, autistic people, and furries, Internet would probably have never been built
🫡 We salute them!
Reminder to trans people that today is a horrible day to choose the stealth path in your missions
GOP is losing its collective mind because Biden spoke of The Disease That Dare Not Speak Its Name!
GOP moves to end leap years to ensure Easter Sunday and Transgender Day never overlap in years divisible by 4 but not by 100.
The Disease That Dare Not Speak Its Name!
There’s a documentary that runs on PBS every Pride Month, ‘Before Stonewall.’
Back in the day, homosexualism* was called ‘the love that dare not speak its name.’ I decided to do an update.
*Another term from that film.
We don’t even need to change decorative colors!