If you watch the first hour of this slop you’ll be numb and enjoy the next 5 hours.
If you watch the first hour of this slop you’ll be numb and enjoy the next 5 hours.
sigh can’t fap to this…
After watching Evangelion would you then say that “Anime was a mistake”? 😁
There are dozens of us that don’t have a FB account!
Find the local maximum by taking the derivative:
If we follow that logic then you must be very straight, but in a reacharound kind of way.
Hope it’s a concrete floor.
The steam roller of inclusivity, accepting others and mutual respect.
Do they have nukes in Crusader Kings?
Finally you can use some of that 30 gallon drum of sheep birthing lube in the bedroom.
If the paladin does a critical fumble the umbilical placenta and mother grows around you.
Also a possibility depending on the RPG universe.
Then they have to get HRT again, but at least they are alive.
While we are talking about that, wouldn’t chrysalis be more fitting?
When the trans person hatches a beautiful butterfly emerges from the chrysalis.
How can egg_irl memes then work? Seems like there’s a fine line with them.
Some cheap perfume would also do in a pinch, or essential oils mixed with cooking oil.
You know how much effort I put into my “amorphous blob” Linux user look!
Now I have to lose weight, train and buy socks.