If you throw em hard enough
If you throw em hard enough
I do that with the windows key…
If you take just the upper right corner of the Czech flag, you get the battle flag of France.
Th ACA screwed me over pretty badly. Granted my situation wasn’t the target of the act (I had non-employer private insurance, and the price more than tripled due to ACA requirements).
I don’t like trump at all, but I agree with scrapping this plan and creating something better.
Just a reminder that at some point in history, somebody paid for that spot for no reason other than to brighten peoples day
Same. I got a set of porter cable tools that are still going strong 19 years later (though I am on my third set of batteries).
I think every system I had prior to buildig my own a year ago had at least one drive that was secured only by cables, gravity, and misguided optimism
I take the stairs cause the elevator takes like forever to show up if you dont catch it right away
Running NewPipe for android to get ad free youtube, have been reasonably satisfied. Is revanced comparable, or good enought to bother switching?
A medically irresponsible quantity of sleeping pills and whiskey can solve that problem!
We don’t even need to change decorative colors!
Panzer Corps 2, Hex Of Steel, Order Of Battle: WWII, among others
So my dad actually is an avid gamer, though he plays miltary startegy games (hex based type ones). So I legit get to live this meme every time I pay him a visit.
But just imagine being the one to prove the existence of the insulindian phasmid!
Im using ReviOS on my non-gaming/work systems right now as a trial - its windows 11,but strips out all the crapware. So far Im liking it.
I learned this the hard way when a tequila-soaked me decided to dive onto what looked like a very soft and fluffly snow-covered headge. I neglected to remember the inside was made of tree. I went on to attempt to remove the hedge with a saw, and had to have several friends hold me down to stop my act of revenge.
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.
Looks at framed certificate of pilots license…cries a little.
Thanks. I hate it.