I tried to use voyager but I hate it so much the ui its incredibly unintuitive in my opinion
Why 100% is wearing skirts and fishnets? I just want to know, I definitely don’t do that on a daily basis 😁, I definitely don’t do that 😁
Because I nut as soon as them thigh highs walk into the room and Walmart sweatpants can’t get pregnant (I hope)
femboy/baby trans ahh outfit
The thing is that this is also worn by non-trans, and there it isn’t a very effective birth control at all.
The opposite even.
there’s always league of legends
I fail to see how that would work as birth control, if the person still engages in sex it doesn’t cut the odds of pregnancy there. If anything it makes them more attractive and increases the chances of sex.
Where uterus
Trans lesbians might have uteruses available to them, sometimes the necessary sperm quality as well.
Femboys too.
Trans femboy men as well.
Cis dudes with peak sense of fashion are also represented by the picture.
Edit: Did I just forget cis women can also wear skirts?
What I mean to say is, no contraceptive method is 100% effective. Stay safe out there.
trans lesbian cannot have a uterus, i would know.
He means to say that the partner might have an uterus
Yes, but we can date cis women. Now I keep dating ones who are sterile, but that’s just weird luck.
Though bottom surgery is a great form of birth control
Forgot the trans femboys and lesbians, woops
Have you not seen Junior? Geeze it can happen to anyone.
eternity is p good imo, not everything is fully implemented yet though
that’s literally what I’m trying to switch off of because it’s gone unmaintained
I’m trying out Thunder and it is going well so far
fair, none of the other apps available work as well for my needs so if it breaks for me i will probably just go back to browser :/
I used whatever the reddit version was called. I kinda want to find a new one, but idk where to look or if I’ll have to set it up again, or do they typically still let you use your play account?
Yeah currently using eternity. Love it but it crashes so much
i second that. eternity is great! i am not sure about the missing feature, never noticed anything missing myself
for example, you cant report a community
Using sync personally, I know I know FOSS and whatnot but it’s not like it’s a big corporate product and it’s what I’m used to
Also using and it’s also just really good, visually appealing, stable, and many features
There’s an impostor among us
Oof, Jerboa is just the best. RIP for all the iOS lemmies.
still no option to change default download location but it has matured alot since i last tried it, thanks. 😽
Why is Jerboa so cool? Do the iOS ones not display the image? (Jerboa user here) Edit: this comment makes no sense, I completely missed the text attached to the image.
Voyager is smoother than Jerboa imo
hard disagree
Same, Jerboa rules
I want to like Jerboa. I really do. It has support for a lot of features Voyager doesn’t, like Matrix linking in profiles and full fledged CommonMark including spoilers which distressingly few Android clients support properly coughcoughSynccough. But it’s just so irritating to use. The recently added swipe gestures are so sensitive you can’t scroll unless you swipe perfectly straight up and down and there’s that bug with predictive text and deleting the space before a word when you press Backspace at the end instead of deleting the last letter which they still have not fixed.
You can disable swipe gestures in Jerboa
But…but swipe gestures.
I love that feature and I’m glad Jerboa finally has it. I just wish it was less sensitive.
I turned off the swipe stuff. The predictive stuff i didn’t know about since i don’t use it 😅
The truth is there, Jerboa consume more ressources than Voyager or has a less lightweight ui than Voyager
I literally just tested Jerboa, Thunder and Voyager on my Android phone. Jerboa is ok, the UI was too immutable, like an IOS product. Thunder is a closer call to Voyager, it has a better search engine with more options but Voyager after tweaking has the best reading experience IMHO
What is this picture?
Maybe we should still try… You know, for science
Can we get the source for the pic?
I use Eternity (formerly known as Infinity for reddit) ui is fast and simple (still highly customizable)
avalon is superior for me