In today’s economy the bank might take that extra back.
I remember learning about residential schools and stuff in elementary school in the 90s
Mostly through guests and fieldtrips mind you.
The 90s in BC was interesting
Actually yes, you guys have a kick ass country and make all the cool computer chips I like.
And you wonder why we’re rebels Vader.
Proceeds to die by force choke
I was thinking of setting up something similar but for login, have to click through it to login even after entering password, for the lulz.
That’s a pretty good idea, anything that might take a bite out of the tooth fairy monopoly.
Just quote some “woke” passages and claim it’s not in the “real” bible and tell them that they should check themselves as that seems to make them believe basically anything.
Golf = The game of the bourgeoisie. Mini Golf = The game of the proletariat.
Report them, and say don’t recommend. It’s our civic duty to spam reports so they get taken down automatically. That will increase the amount it suggests to you but to stop that make playlist that can run overnight, fill it with good shit you’ve already watched so you don’t miss anything new and just let that run. It will hopefully clean that shit out a bit.
Every time I visit my parents I go through their YouTube now and unsub from all the weird shit. I always get the same response from them “idk I didn’t sub to that” children man, they come in all ages. I ask her “then why do you randomly drop dog whistles that line up with what’s being currently spouted by the right?” 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗
Should this not raise red flags? Why is your church pro-vaccine and others anti-vaccine?
Who’s right and who’s wrong? But then again Im an atheist who questioned god long before Santa Claus, because atleast the jolly old fuck did something for me.
Mount that on a truck and sell it to the Russians, imagine how many conscripts and civilians that thing could fit.
I’ve gone through a bunch of times over the years, I don’t think I’ve ever used a mod or downloaded any third party patches.
I’ve cheated plenty though, but I also like doing hardcore playthroughs with minimal gear so it balances out.
When I was in 6th grade I was fucking cringe, little fucks these days acting like they ain’t.