please dm me pictures of your cats, I want to see them 🥰 (or a reply is good too)
I sent you one, I’ll put one here for everyone else too
awww 🥰🥰🥰
Your cat isn’t name agamemnon, is it? Because good lord, that looks exactly like a cat I know, leash and all.
Nope it’s Bagheera
a cat from the ranch I work on
omg 🥰🥰
Username checks out
cute void 🥰
would you settle for 2 pics of a dog: 1 with his elongated snoot and 2 with a big frickin stick?
Did you know you can embed the pictures like this?
i tried twice before and failed both times because i didn’t realize it needed the exclamation mark. thanks
my cat died
deleted by creator
“DM” still feels so wrong. How the heck did that take over from “PM”
direct messages aren’t private :)
Private Message (PM) was common until Twitter and Instagram came around, where the platforms did not want to get in trouble for implying that your messages were “Private” in any way, so the renamed them “Direct Messages”. Reddit and Lemmy make user-to-user messages easily accessible by admins, so DM is appropriate here.
it’s just more… direct
+1 for pm
I think it started when Twitter became popular? That’s just the term they used. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong
I never understood why people want boob pics to their inbox. Just go on a boob pic community, it’s going to be the same people sending them that post them freely.
I have some suspicions the kitty one is a little less wholesome considering their origins
Nahhh what could nsfw possibly mean? its just a tld right? :3
Plz pm me pictures of kitties wearing OSHA approved high visibily vests and hard hats.
DM me your DMs
I’m still waiting for duck pics. Not a typo.
Hello there!
dm me if you’re a sub in need of a domme
Inbox overflow
I wish
Do those usernames ever work? DMing pics of anything sounds like too much effort for it to happen often.
Extremely rarely.
I think I remember trying in lemmy and it working >u< but being so girly probably had an effect :p
Back on R*ddit (with the same username), I actually got a PM of someone’s guitar cabinet speakers. None of them were Vintage 30s, but some other guitar speakers that they mounted in their speaker cabinet. It was very much appreciated.
Although I prefer Vintage 30s, I strongly encourage any and/or all of you to PM me any guitar speakers you have. But, I still live in hope that someday, someone might PM me Vintage 30s…
Same though
o7 yes maam !
PM_me_vintage_30s is still a request, lol.