Catgirls vs cat women
Catgirls vs cat women
Why are the skellyboobs connected to the ribcage then.
If I were advertising a bra I’d want the bra to be in the ad.
I mean to me they’re just good things imo.
Sure but you’ll also grow boobs and your skin will become very soft and stuff
Infighting happens when people of a group fight within it, so this is categorically not it, as tankies are right wing.
Hbomberguy appearing sometimes in August this year, writing a 12 page essay on why loops should be renamed to GlinkGlonk and disappearing again.
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Yes, and the owner of the MoP in the USSR was the state, which was controlled by a small political elite.
This creates a class conflict very similar to the conflict under free market capitalism.
Socialist economies are determined by which form of production is primary in an economy, and in the USSR post-NEP this was public ownership and central planning.
This doesn’t mean it wasn’t commodity production.
Socialist from a Marxian analysis, the ownership being the public and therefore the Proletariat, not some obscure “ownership class” that has no bearing in Marxist analysis.
Not even but you’re too deep in the kool-aid to even understand your own prophet.
The Proletarian State is the tool of class oppression against the bourgeoisie.
And yet, it was a tool of oppression against the proletariat.
Turns out that the state and capital are one and the same, and when you try to use a system of oppression to liberate someone, it doesn’t work out.
This is traditional Marxism, the public owning the MoP is the hallmark of Socialism, and the Proletarian State withers with respect to how collectivized production has become.
“Actually, worker control of the MoP is when a very tiny political elite decides how the MoP is used.”
And of course, the fabled “withering of the state” which can be seen by how the late USSR oligarchy withered into the Russian Federation mafia state!
Marx was certainly no Anarchist
Take a drink every time a tankie randomly stays this.
there can be no Marxism without Public Ownership and
Marx was pretty vague about central planning in his writing in general, and there are arguments that he could have been opposed to it later in his life, this is however irrelevant.
I cannot emphasize enough that I do not care about Marxism, it’s a useful tool for analysis of capital, but Marx lived and died in the 1800s.
It’s time for the socialist movement to move on forward, we can synthesize the old with new information and analysis which waa gained throughout the last 150 years, and create better systems and theories.
The endless discussion on what the “prophet” Marx and Engels wanted us to do are fucking poinltess and furthermore incredibly boring and played out.
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Socialist economies are when you have commodity production and MOP owned by an ownership class.
“Uhh akshually the proletariat owns the means of production because the state is basically the people.” Please, tell me you don’t actually believe this.
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That’s something you can write a book about.
In my opinion it has to come from a bottom up movement, that puts emphasis on the sort of types of organization a socialist movement ultimately aims for.
The Leninists tried to disconnect the means and the ends of the movement, using the tools of the bourgeoisie to try and build a new system, which failed.
USSR had a state capitalist economy
Black-red is anarcho communist.
Other one is the egoist flag.