I am an electric meat robot.
One of my all-time favorite optical illusions! Even if you stare directly at one of the pink dots, it’ll eventually disappear too!
Fresh reference. That waffle party is yours for sure.
“I’m tired of chasing my dreams. I’m just gonna find out where they’re going and hook up with them later.” - Mitch Hedberg
Niankhkhnumhotep is a mouthful of a ship name, but only if you’re not used to speaking ancient Egyptian.
It’s cool, you’re sharing it with all of us.
God damn this is funny.
The jump from mono to stereo made a lot of engineers’ heads spin. Then again, how many 100% perfect 5.1 albums have you heard?
Actually, I’ve listened to only three 5.1 remixes, all of them phenomenal albums to begin with, and their 5.1 jobs were pretty meh. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots came out pretty good, but mainly because they just fucked around and tried stuff.
Morty’s obsession with Jessica is so strong that it interfered with an extradimensional entity’s ability to telepathically communicate with him.
It’s one of my favorite lines in the entire run of the show.
I communicate through what you call…Jessica’s feet…no, telepathy.
“A Cool Teacher’s Thesis”
My name is Axon. My planet is Neptune.
Miss you, Mitch.
I dunno, man, chickentank could either be an AT-ST or Metal Gear.
shuddering, tearful …why would you draw that?
All I hear is a sting chord, followed by tense chase music, machine gun fire, David Hayter screaming, and over the codec the plaintive, disbelieving “SNAAAAAAKE!”
I’m sorry, Shadow Moses was my Vietnam.