This little light of mine. I’m gonna let it shine…
Yeah, I’m old too. Setting letters in the mailbox with some change on top for postage wasn’t uncommon.
It also looks like it has been upfitted for wheelchair access. They may not be able to get the top.
Still would not make me any less mad if I was sharing the road with them. But I might feel a little bad after giving them the what for.
Nah, this is a rental, it’s fine.
Because they think people keep stealing their charge cables because they need one; and not that they want to want to turn that sweet copper into cash.
60% of the time, it works every time.
That would make more sense. These are all incomprehensible sums of money to me anyways.
But after a second read it kind of sounds like he’s trying to “invent” the fediverse,
The proposed system would work similarly to email, where users can communicate across different service providers. In this vision, social media users could maintain their connections and content regardless of which platform they choose to use.
Twitter sold for 44B. Tiktok has nearly an order of magnitude more active users and this guy thinks his 500m offer is even in the ballpark?
What about #2? Waffle stomp?
Now I want to stick furry stickers on gas pumps to own the libs almost everybody.
It’s called a bundt pan.
Techno-Mage is awesome. !
Edit: fixed link
Burning man. A bunch of trust fundies trying to out edge each other.
It feels kinda messed up, then, that the people who had been led into this with misplaced trust and false promises are the ones getting the bulk of the punishment, and not the people who sold them on lies in the first place.
I agree. Altho not in the sense that these people are being handed unfair judgement, they’ve all got off extremely light for the acts they committed. But it is a travesty of justice that the ones instigating it have received little to no punishment.
These people gobbled the propaganda up because it justified their bigotry. So my sympathies are limited.
Buran doesn’t need cosmonaut to fly and land. Lets see shuttle do that.
You don’t have to join an instance to participate in their community.