American salads made of jelly or mayonnaise are fucking wild. I remember seeing the Mayo and gummy bear salad on how I met your mother and thinking no way that shit is real, surely it’s an absurd joke…
Ew. As an American, and a midwestern at that, I’m happy to say I’ve never heard of that, though, honestly, not that far fetched either unfortunately.
I always thought mad jelly shit was an English post-rationing thing, but I guess no border can contain the goo.
Midwestern food is strange fucking stuff. Check out the Mormon casseroles in Napoleon Dynamite too, shits wild
Recipe please
What you really need is the mould…
It’s called a bundt pan.
you misspelled butt pan
fr tho, i think it was likely plastic wrap that contributed to the delectably pert center
Woah. I’ve never heard of this website. Do you use it regularly? I’m blown away by the fact I just clicked a link to a recipe that doesn’t have a 2.5 page write up of the authors family, why they make the dessert, and when. Along with 4 pop up ads, a banner ad, and the inability to use an Adblock.10/10 website. Will have to go back.I take it all back. Clicked one other recipe. Looks like ads just don’t want to be shown with this thing either.
Ah. This blessed commenter shared the printer version. Pro move.