Most people are more than 7” thick. I don’t think it’s as useful as it sounds. Even if you are, you probably have to be mid jump to avoid cutting off your toes or worse, merging your back with the door if you forget to face backwards first.
Being able to see inside empty containers has its uses because you can always check if you can see into it and know something’s in it. Knowing IF something has contents can be plenty useful.
I would just bring an e-reader preloaded with Wikipedia and a solar charger. It would be treated as a relic for millennia long after it stopped working and would probably cause a collapse in the time-space continuum, but that’s just how I roll. 😎
Hell of a lot cheaper than a kid.
Darn all I have is Dark Side of the Moon
Error: You do not have privileges to run this command. Must be root.
Let’s just cut to the chase, cause we all know it’s TempleOS.
I played trumpet
but I was a real asshole about itso this feels justified
Just as evil are the pages that don’t let you select text or pictures for copying.
Yeah, I agree. Browsers all seemed to act like they are the only thing running on the computer at some point, practically resembling their own OS with the amount of containerization and complexity. There should definitely be a way for the OS to request some RAM be released from the browser.
There’s also the idea that free RAM is somehow a good thing. In an ideal system, the RAM would always be “full” of potentially useful data. Having a bunch of empty RAM means that it’s not being useful. That space could be used to hold plenty of regularly used files that would be instantly loaded instead of having to pull from the drive again.
I don’t know when everyone started getting concerned with RAM usage, but in a perfect system, it would hold onto all of your frequently used programs and files that it could fit from boot and then those would load instantly.
Some Linux distros even allow loading the entire OS into RAM for wild speeds.
Idle RAM is just that. It does you no favors. Now, I do understand that you don’t want to be completely out, but we act like having 80% free is a goal for some reason.
In short:
I loooove his standup. I have a whole collection of his stuff.