so much work, when in reality all he has to do is not give his name and never mention it
so much work, when in reality all he has to do is not give his name and never mention it
ya, but you don’t need to make them everyone else’s issues, because everyone’s got issues, and no one deserves to wade through your shit as well
you have issues, please go see a therapist
it is, the complaint was made in ireland, and the courts agreed that it’s cake
to be fair, even the Dune universe had the human golden age, before the whole AI wars happened
since Disney build their parks on a literal man made hill, they will take the time to declare independence
Disney parks aren’t even at ground level, they literally sit atop a massive hill as the entire infrastructure of the park is hidden on the first story
dude current projections out Miami basically a whole story underwater in 25 years, and these may even be too conservative as we have recently learned and they need to be reajusted
not really, the phones we have are basically all water-resistant, so they definitely aren’t waterproof (makes you wonder just why this argument is repeated so much)
and it doesn’t require something to be bulkier to make it waterproof, unless you are deep sea diving, but I think at the point where you require over $100,000 in gear to reach said point, I don’t think a deep sea diving case is out of the budget.
case n’ point, watches
the most common failure on a Bosh SPS drill is the actuator arm for the pounding motion, and this is commonly shared among several power tool brands with SPS drills.
you could make the argument that these parts just fail more often, and if you go by what broke, that would make you think it’s a reasonable conclusion.
Until I tell you that said actuator arm is made of injection mold plastic and all other parts of this assembly are made of steel. So in reality, this part that just happens to break more often is doing so because it was meant to, we are more than capable of creating contact terminals that don’t break as easily
yet cars in the EU still have higher standards, so where does that leave us?
battery contact failure was higher than battery failure.
quite a feat, only doable if you try to make it fail
replaceable batteries compromise waterproofing
this is in no way true, and is a bold face industry lie. There is no shortage of water PROOF and not just resistant electronic equipment that feature replaceable batteries.
the reason replaceable batteries were removed is entirely due to planned obsolescence.
you falsely assume I am America, also while pasta al forno is close to Lasagna, it’s not really the same thing (who would have thunk that different regions of Italy have different food cultures)
what, you don’t eat spaghetti with every meal? there is a culture, and sometimes even a practical reason, for certain culinary traditions? Lasagna is a meat dish instead of a pasta dish?
and I have definitely heard women repeat some common gender stereotype as well
ooof, lots of pent-up frustration here.
Europeans were not any more “dirty” or “clean” than any other group, also Native Americans adopted the use of fire arms from the Europeans and would generally trade foodstuffs for firearms, in the end you are only repeating the Noble Savage
ya, this might shock you, but not all “commies” are looking for a revolution, and to make matters worse, most of these other “commies” were in power in the era that created the great American golden-age, and then when someone let liberals in again they ruined everything so that their aristocracy can have their dragon hordes back, ironically when southern pride really started up again…
I have no idea why you mentioned this. What does this have to do with me?
Tankie doesn’t understand the argument he made.
Also, Tankies are fascists that wear the skin of the lefties they murdered. They advocate for an all powerful vanguard party that dictates basically everything, it makes more sense to try and win over conservatives than a Tankie.
dude, Tankie is literally the ideology of boot licking, you’re NAMED after the treads you lick once they run over actual lefties
the CEO who killed millions via denying healthcare was the true working class hero