I’m here!
For me it was $24 for a new oven igniter. That was three weeks ago and it hasn’t worn off, yet.
We’ve got nobody to blame but ourselves for that.
That’s what I’m not understanding. Willing to pay what? They’re not paying commission because they don’t owe anything. It’s not a matter of price being high or low. Why would they pay for something that they don’t have to pay for? Their cost is zero.
Are you of the belief that devs get to say, “I’m poor, I can’t pay”. Can’t really understand what your comment is implying.
Least expensive is Virtualbox or UTM.
Simplest is Parallels.
I legit believe she could pull it off.
One-click would definitely lower the bar to entry but I have to admit the concept makes me uncomfortable. While it could eliminate those problems, it creates the issue of thousands of new server administrators who really don’t understand the platform that they are now responsible for. Infrastructure and security IS hard because it’s not just about getting the right syntax, it’s understanding the concepts so that not only does it work, it works safely and reliably.
I’ve seen quite a bit of bad troubleshooting going on as newcomers have sought to set up their instances. It doesn’t help that the current docker-compose in the Lemmy repository is outdated and doesn’t work out of the box. More than a few “this worked for me” solutions that I’ve seen may have gotten things working, but broke fundamental security principles that may or may not come back to bite the administrators later.
RSS is definitively not dead. I threw $99 for a lifetime Feedly subscription about 15 years ago, rather than roll my own aggregation, and it’s been my primary news source since.
Pshaw… my entire career is one big YOLO.
Funny how he repeatedly uses phrases such as “the extent that they were profiting off of our API” but has never used the phrase “the extent that we rely on freely provided content and freely provided moderation. If it weren’t for the tens of millions of people who are giving us free stuff we wouldn’t even exist.”
I had a conversation with Bing today, asking it for configuration snippets for logging on my Lemmy instance.
It happily spat out a config, which I cut and pasted, that subsequently barfed.
I give Bing the error message and it explained that the parameters that it had previously supplied don’t exist.
Good job, MS!
Apparently they can’t even be bothered to pay their rent so this is not a particular shock.
It’s hard to believe that so many things are going so sideways that we’re starting to root for the likes of Disney and the major record labels.
In addition to the reasons already mentioned, Apple has a requirement that applications have a novel component. While it’s often questionable as to what is considered “novel” Weather applications get contrasted against the built-in weather app. If the app simply duplicates the functionality it will be rejected.