if its individually paid, you don’t have privacy.
if its individually paid, you don’t have privacy.
nobody would call them far left. it’s not particularly far left. its authoritarian, even the political compass has more nuance here, cmon man.
“why do you want communism?”
“because I want to tell people I disagree with to shut up, at gunpoint. also I love uniforms and the general aesthetics of the USSR. also some economist from 200 years ago said it’s what’s next, so we gotta”
so not to do with any actual communism, egalitarianism, etc, or any actual left stuff, or people not dying on the streets anymore, or liberation of thd human spirit; just red star brand reactionary bullshit. I prefer their yeast.
real question. I’m assuming from the name that you can say trans rights are important. killing Nazis here is cool right? like opening up the physical rack, pulling out the backup drive, and bludgeoning them with it inside the housing? or would that be a violation of tos with your hosting company? is it only okay to suggest shooting them? do I have to be clear its only okay to do outside the data center where youre hosted?
Don’t worry.get enough PTSD and you can have the cool version too!
Seriously. I can handle a lot of awful, but that shit makes my blood boil.
Okay but wanting to keep your job as a nurse at a charity clinic and wanting to keep your job as an IDF colonel are not the same.
Okay, see, if this were most of what the government did; I’d happily pay taxes.
I’d pay extra and ask how I could help. I’d be painting american flags on shit, instead of saying ‘smash the state’.
Its not SMS but PM’s could totally read pretty similar.
And in most of the world they font use SMS; WhatsApp is the standard when someone says ‘text me’.
No comment.
Liberalism is a conservative ideology.
If you mean fascism its just coward’s suicide.
Don’t tell me what I know, or what the most sadistic part of me is.
This needs to be everywhere.
Not all boomers sucked; the good ones just got butchered by the state or died from doing all the drugs.
Everyone didn’t. Everyone decided to delegate all their autonomy to some delusional shitheads we now feel powerless to stop. They made the decisions because they prefer having slaves.
No. They don’t deserve it and I will die in filth and poverty before I let someone have something they don’t deserve!
Except billionaires. They get everything and deserve less than nothing.
They’re different, but they’re good friends at the end of the day. One wants to kill me, the other doesn’t care and wants to make their friends happy. I die either way.
They’re not the same, but they aren’t trying to be different.
If the dems wanted to win, there would have been a primary, and anyone but biden on the ballot. They care more about perpetuating genocide and sucking billionaire dick than they do about stopping fascism at home, and they’re not willing to risk the former ending to do the latter.
Not leftists. Libs. No overlap.
No. One is worse. This does not absolve the other.
Fight the worst bastards, but if you only fight them to the bosom of the less awful but still very awful bastards? Youre not winning. Youre not even surviving long.
Dude. There are like twenty ways around that without outright lying. Also they could outright lie.