If it runs doom, I’ll allow it. If is anything near the abysmal Firefox TV OS on my shitty Panasonic TV, then hell, no! Never again…
Middle out internet! Suck it Jian yang!
Why crying emoji?
A lot of teenagers use it for some reason. It’s annoying because I’m a teenager myself, so I have to deal with my friends using it all the time. I went as far as ghosting some of my friends because they use annoying emotes all the time.
Ghosting your friends because they used too many emojis is kind of crazy
Well, it depends on how you interpret their emotes. They constantly use that clown emoji, and so on. I interpret it as “not interested in talking to you” because, uh, I can’t explain why. It’s kind of because of all the circumstances in which I use those emotes when talking to my friends. I interpret their intent as how mine would have been. I frankly can’t take them as anything else; it’s a flaw.
Also, I didn’t just start ghosting them for just this reason; it was usually for a few other reasons as well. For example, one of my former friends had habituated herself to calling people slang like dumbfuck on a regular basis. But I don’t use such words when talking to my friends; I find them harsh. I kind of used to get upset whenever she’d call me by such slang, even when I had done nothing that could hurt her. We simply aren’t compatible enough to remain friends. Her constant use of such emojis was merely a cherry on top, but a considerable one.
I guess they think it’s funny 😭
Yep it is. Sorry I am GenZ
Me too 😭😭
Oh no it’s spreading 😭
So sad 😭
Fortunately I see it for the first time, but I can imagine how annoying it is.
DMing is texting now?
That is a text message, no?
I knew some reply to this would lead us down the road of semantic pedantry.
This is also a text message. Would you say I am texting you right now?
Its not SMS but PM’s could totally read pretty similar.
And in most of the world they font use SMS; WhatsApp is the standard when someone says ‘text me’.
Texting has usually been associated with sending a text message to a specific target, or specific targets in a group text, but not a room, forum, or public space. So yes, dms and texting are virtually identical. Posting on lemmy, reddit, Facebook, Twitter, etc would not be, unless you again specifically selected individuals to send a direct messgae.
TIL DMing is texting.
I come from pre-T9 SMS and yes, DMs are “texting”. Texting doesn’t refer to a protocol or transport, it’s a message type. Holding onto texting only being SMS when it’s a dying communication method worldwide is just silly. Did we originally mean SMS and only SMS? Yes. But definitions expand regularly and you don’t want to be left behind because your clutching your digital pearls of old definitions.
Pretty weird of you to say commenting is texting. But hey, you do you