These are great, but how did you blow straight past ‘the dear cunter’?
I agree, but desk slouch probably keeps this swapping between mid and right, sadly
why do we do this self rate-baiting?
is it vain imaginings, where we have all the comebacks or some sort of victim persecution complex (I guess that’s another form of vain thinking)
wiw, JTHM? I haven’t seen that in decades
The dialogue in the is what really make it for me. Great work OP!
This sounds like a great tshirt to print
Just don’t wear it to a job interview
Holy shit, I had no idea…
Thanks snotty!
Owned by dirty uncle Microsoft, that’s why.
Wow that’s some crazy shrooms
All good fun!
I’d quite like to see it visualised over time, to be honest (but maybe I should get out more?)
Woah, spoilers dude!
What is this, blues clues geriatric edition?
I normally think breeding is a basic human right and should never be interfered with, but then people like you come along and I’m not so sure…
Loving the recent positive posts that have been coming out - thanks!
That is definitely a winner
Yeah, I was 4 then.
Were they really printing fuck so callously back then, though?
Oh wow, that’s a good one!
We had that on the structural pillar at work somewhere around 2002?
Yeah, fuck the spiraling thinking! Reality is way cooler. It’s just tricky to grasp since our brains are stuck in a box and only indirectly deal with the real world