Do you know of a way for those of us only on mobile to move subs over?
Do you know of a way for those of us only on mobile to move subs over?
On the very slim chance someone else is curious about the work of art I did an image search :
I’ve never done it myself but I’ve watched videos where people do it and once you know how it’s not terribly time consuming. It’s the learning how!
I think it’s carved fruit, not an actual toy. Haha
Yeah I live by myself and during the week only cook dinner plus snacks, so it takes me 3+ days to fill it up enough to justify running it and even then it starts it get…iffy.
I think they’re referencing the phrase “flight straight up” and joking that the flight was going “straight up” in the air and not a modifier akin to “really and truly”.
That’s wild your app was displaying photos sideways. 🥴
Fahrenheit is listed above the Celsius in a smaller font upper left (edit: upper left for Catalonia upper right for Italy)
In the US we’d basically been doing this for decades as kids, sanctioned by the candy makers through pixy stix (which apparently wasn’t even real sugar but maltodextrin).
Thanks, I know how to create a new account on a new server, I just hoped for an easy way to move all my subs.