Doing the Lord’s work right here!
More beans!!
Reynolds…I think. Only recently watched Deadpool vs Wolverine. But, um, the answer is actually yes.
On that note, I enjoy his movies, but does anybody else get the impression he’d be totally annoying to try and hang out with? Or is that just me…
I feel like I’m in this meme (like, I act like that, in not famous of course!) and I don’t know how to feel about that (dude, you obviously feel called out! You blew it!).
Yup. And when I’m done I’ll have a triple burger with eggs and double cheese!
This type of parasitic, even sociopathic behavior is directly rewarded in capitalism, though. Kinda figure that’s all they meant.
Also, it capitalism is anywhere, it’s everywhere. Or this is at least true as long as the United States is in the picture…
In movies when there’s a huge explosion in space, there’s always this ring that comes out from the explosion. No!
In space the blast wave would be spherical: it only looks like a 2d ring when observed from a telescope many many light years away, since the telescope can only pick up the outside edge of the blast.
Edit: fixed auto-incorrect
I can’t help but notice that you are simply making the argument that we’ve done it wrong before, therefore I want it done wrong again.
Okay, sure. What a strong case you made. You win, or whatever.
Really? Yeah, it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with, you know, actually keeping kids safe. No, that actually makes sense, and even worse, isn’t about “me”!
For the record, even if there’s anything to your absurd statement, I’m all for gun control. I care more about kids’ lives than yours.
You clearly don’t have any idea… Period.
And you’re last statement is an outright falsehood. You replied. Ergo, you do give a shit.
Your entire premise is misogynistic bull. But whatever; keep at it. Look like an idiot. Deny yourself actual contentment in life. Die on whatever hill you want.
Doesn’t change that everyone knows you’re wrong.
As measured by whom? Your shit attitude doesn’t prove anything.
Besides, have somebody kick you in the balls repeatedly for hours on end, then maybe you have a comparison. Oh, and they have to kick you hard enough to break your hips.
I’m going to go ahead and say it: you’re wrong.
Unfortunately, it’s been looking more and more like Dems are not much more than “controlled opposition”.
Wow. Bank policy is they don’t do business with political parties. Kinda demolishes her entire argument? If institutions without such a policy refuse to do business, that’s a different matter. Now, I only skimmed the article, but saw no mention of that type of difficulty.
That’s one big avocado.
I thought that was already defined as, “Republican”.
Oh, c’mon, obviously the answer is 42.
It is still in your favor to take the lump sum, then invest it yourself. Even low risk low return you’ll likely end up way ahead compared to the payment plan.