The anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller has said “we don’t have a functioning democracy” if new political parties cannot access banking services, after she was told her own party’s account would be closed.
The anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller has said “we don’t have a functioning democracy” if new political parties cannot access banking services, after she was told her own party’s account would be closed.
Wow. Bank policy is they don’t do business with political parties. Kinda demolishes her entire argument? If institutions without such a policy refuse to do business, that’s a different matter. Now, I only skimmed the article, but saw no mention of that type of difficulty.
She said she had to go round 9 banks before she was able to open this account in the first place. Her concern is that banks generally don’t want to deal with minor/start-up political parties and so parties like hers become de facto un-banked.
These fringe rage artists always spin simple TOS as persecution. Wouldn’t surprise me if they deliberately picked this bank to have their account closed to manufacture outrage.