How, exactly, should you have seen this coming? Elaborate on your thoughts.
How, exactly, should you have seen this coming? Elaborate on your thoughts.
You think calling someone autistic is an insult?
No I can’t guarantee it, and neither does Microsoft, Windows, nor any of the software you have ever used, for work or not. Read the TOS. You are given nothing, and all software, no matter how much you pay is “provided as is”. Which means they deny responsibility for bugs or misbehavior of their code. MS corporate contracts don’t sell guarantees, they sell support when something eventually goes wrong. They never promise the software will always 100% work because it opens them to legal liability. OneDrive, to keep the discussion on topic, doesn’t guarantee availability of your files, or their integrity, and even makes you agree to not sue them even if you lose all your data.
Installing a new OS is not a hassle at all on this day and age. If you can click buttons with a mouse and read at least at a 6th grade level to follow instructions, you can install an OS.
Thanks for mentioning the name because I honestly didn’t know what software the second icon was supposed to be.
Prescription glasses expire as our eyes are constantly changing. You should get your eyes checked every two years minimum.
It took Rome anything between one and five centuries to fall. Damn, if you ask some people today it’s possible to argue that the Roman empire still technically exists.
Executive bonuses, of course. Won’t you think of the poor millionaires?
It’s a crash log, not an error log. It’s probably dumping the entire memory stack to text instead of a bin dump every time it crashed. I would also suspect the crash handler is appending to the log instead of deleting old crashes and just keeping the latest. At several dozen gigas of RAM it would just take a couple of game crashes to fill up the 300GB.
Injecting yourself in a day old conversation to defend calling people psychopaths as an excuse for comedy. I don’t even have to say how much I don’t care about your opinion.
Pressure depends on muscle tension. When you relax, the pressure inside the bladder drops. The prostate sphincter is already relaxed open and the outside pressure temporarily exceeds internal pressure. This leads to backflow and can introduce bacteria into the urethra and bladder. Not fun times ensue.
Just to cut to the chase, insulting people is not endearing or cute. Is just insulting. There’s nothing cutesy about insulting half the world population. I don’t give a fuck what you think about other’s usage of alternate keyboard layouts. I care about my health, you can go kick rocks somewhere else.
I hate vi shortcuts because they never take non-qwerty keyboard distributions into account and it is unpredictable whether they’ll follow position or letter and shortcuts of webpages aren’t remappable.
It’s just fancy jargon for someone’s else computer through the internet.
That’s because he aims at a very specific hyper engaged demographic. The pre-pubescent teenager. Then they keep watching either out of habit or emotional stunting. They might not be a very sofisticated audience, but they are very dedicated. It might be all they watch, they construct their identity around the content they watch and demand parents to spend money on the products pushed to them by their favorite influencers.
This is not unusual, all generations have done it and diverse agents have capitalized from it. From boy bands, to star wars, Disney kids/adults… They are the unicorn audience in marketing, if you can get your claws on a person during that development stage, you got yourself a consumer of your brand for life.
Twice the amount of sugar of some of the most sugary and damaging drinks available does seem like a lot to me. And about juice, at least some of that is fructose if the juice is actually fruit. This pure refined sugar.
I mean, having one of this once a year just for the morbid curiosity of satisfying your palate in that much fat and sugar is fine, specially if you share one with several people. Yet, some people were having these things weekly, even daily. Those poor arteries.
Same for sugar. 266 gr of sugar per liter is and absurd amount of sugar.
Discrete packaging always reminds me how a bicycle company made their shipping boxes look like smart TVs so package handlers wouldn’t break them.
He stole a white bat to halt a tribal marriage and then force a war between the tribes. Thus allowing an English company he owns to exploit the conflict to steal the guano trade for profit.