Here’s Roto-Borola, who has somehow fallen asleep while sitting up like a person.
I think I speak for most people when I say that I’m a good representative of the general population.
Here’s Roto-Borola, who has somehow fallen asleep while sitting up like a person.
I remember thinking that surely Duke Nukem Forever would turn out awesome once it’s finally finished. After seeing the reception I just decided it wasn’t worth checking out.
There’s a feeling of panic that sets in when you really don’t want to hear the alarm and realize you had better rush to disable it before that last minute counts up.
It’s kind of amazing that I haven’t really thought about Woody Woodpecker since watching the cartoons as a kid and the animation doesn’t look familiar at all other than yeah that’s the right colors, but I could hear the laugh in my head immediately on seeing the name, without having to play the audio.