One of my top 5 personal rules is that I never look at what time it is if the amount of sleep I’m getting is part of the equation. I set my alarm for whatever time I must be awake, and otherwise, I wanna be left alone. Ignorance is bliss.
I get hyped when this happens.
My body has mastered time. I am above these mortal tools.
But if it plays before I can turn it off it scares me :(
It’s like a jack in the box effect because you know it’s coming but your soul still leaves your body when it goes off lol
That’s a good result. No blaring alarm. Now when you wake up 1hr before the alarm and can’t get back to sleep: yes that hurts.
More than 30 mins is good because I know I can sleep again or at least stay resting and cosy, less than 10 is good because I know I can keep my mind awake enough to get up feeling naturally well rested.
Fuck that sweet spot in the middle.
Nope. I just decided to go 2 hours later to my own company and turned around again. That’s why I started that whole thing years ago, literally with nothing. And you should too. I’m not working anymore, I’m just having fun. Ok, I’m not having weekends anymore, but honestly: my weekends are more fun today than ever. I’m in my shop, creating stuff, preparing stuff for the week, blasting my music on the company stereo - I’ll never go back slaving for other people. Never.
Literally me this morning
There’s a feeling of panic that sets in when you really don’t want to hear the alarm and realize you had better rush to disable it before that last minute counts up.
it’s way worse, if you wake up like 10-15 minutes before alarm. when you can sleep back for a bit, but it will result in you waking up like you slept like 2 hours and you feel worse than a piece of shit… every day… :D
less than a minute? No.
Between 10 to 30 minutes before. Yes.