I understand why people always say things like this. It’s the not having a choice that ruins eternity. Fortunately it seems that such a fate is physically impossible in this reality. Even if you were made of the most durable possible material, you would still fundamentally be composed of baryonic matter, which means if you fell into a star, collided with a celestial object at relativistic speed, or fell into a black hole, you would surely die. There is always a way out for an enterprising immortal, and afterwards sweet nothing.
Or they wait the two minutes to open a browser and claim they “have it how they like it” when you inform them it shouldn’t take that long…
When you stand up and lock your knees
To me the ring feels more like heroine or cocaine or something, you know one of the drugs that just make people feel good. The hobbits had no real ambition for more than a good life, and they pretty much all already had that, so when Bilbo or Frodo used the ring it was like “heh, nice” and then they went back to their great life with no desire to use it again. Of course they’re basically microdosing while they carry it so they eventually start to incur the cost. Frodo only really starts to get corrupted after months of grueling travel and suffering, and losing hope of ever returning to his life in the Shire. Everyone else has all these obligations and ambitions that weigh on them, and much like regular people they’ve given up varying degrees of their happiness to further those goals, so the ring would feel like getting back everything they’ve sacrificed and being happy again, or for the first time for some. The metaphor is a bit of a stretch, but I think it fits broadly with these magical artifacts that corrupt people. Just like cocaine, heroin, meth, morphine, or whatever, they give people a feeling that they can’t just get over. It’s biology, they hijack the reward system so we have no choice but to push the feel good button unless we can overcome the urge through willpower or getting whatever feeling the drug or magical artifact is replacing naturally. Some people only get so corrupted but some just keep going, chasing the dragon and replacing more and more of their life with the fake feelings of the drug or magical item.
You were the chosen one! It was said you would destroy the cancer, not cause them!
You didn’t necessarily fail if they aren’t into it. In the words of Jean-Luc Picard “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life.” Some people just don’t mesh, and that’s ok. You don’t need to put pressure on yourself to like or be liked.
What are they training for, their sommelier world tour?
I only do it because the normal mic on my phone is shit and always cuts out ;_;
Why is this coming back… I keep seeing this on here, are people trying the bring this back? Why?
So… You didn’t meet your hero.
The ones I do are mostly heavy isometrics. I do weighted dead hangs for the inside forearms and isometric reverse grip barbell curls for the outside forearms. For the curls I’ll hold at about 90 degrees. For both I shoot for more than 20 second holds with as much weight as I can. The specific exercises aren’t as important as doing something that creates a lot of tension on the tendons you want to work, sustaining the tension, and being safe. The last thing you want is to exacerbate the problem.
Hey I see you. I had some serious tennis elbow a few years ago that basically prevented me from using my dominant hand for a few weeks. I couldn’t even lift a cup of water with it. I went to PT and they gave me some exercises and stretches to do. The stretches maybe helped but the exercises were trivially easy and did nothing for me. It feels like it got better just by leaving it alone more than anything. It’s acted up every once in a while since then, mostly when I get cocky and do something stupid. Recently I decided to find out how to actually fix it, and I found out that the exercises they gave me were actually ineffective, according to the medical literature. In order to improve tendon health and heal chronic tendon injuries, you need to do resistance training. The best method to improve tendon strength and health is to do like 2 or 3 low rep sets, with as much weight as you can handle, every week. It takes high tension to grow tendons, with low tension doing basically nothing. You also want to do the exercises with slow deliberate motion to avoid sudden high loading of the tendons. I’ve been doing that for my tennis elbow for the past couple months and it has helped a lot. It was scary at first to load my elbow with a lot of weight, but I slowly worked up to it and was careful every time and haven’t had a flareup since, despite doing more lifting than I have in my life. My suggestion is to find an exercise that works the problem tendons, and slowly increase the resistance over some weeks, to as much weight as you can lift. Always be slow and deliberate. It shouldn’t cause you pain at any point, and if it does back off to where it doesn’t.
Tldr; research says to improve tendon strength do high weight low rep exercises with slow deliberate motion. Growing tendons takes longer than muscles so take your time. Should help your pain. Is working forme.y
That’s not actually correct. Some of our cells have high turnover, but many of our cells surprisingly don’t. The obvious example is nerve cells, which stop replicating at some point in our development and we have the same set for the rest of our lives (probably with caveats as always). A more surprising example is skeletal muscle cells, which except for specific circumstances, don’t divide. We pretty much have the same number of muscle cells our whole lives, they just grow and shrink in response to training or lack thereof, again with caveats. Another example is fat cells. Most people also don’t get new fat cells, but some people can make new fat cells, so it’s even complicated for that one example. So to tie things up, you don’t actually replace all of your cells every 7 years, and in fact the cells that are some of the most important to your survival generally never get replaced.
That’s ok accessory fruit club is pretty cool. I always preferred drupe club though.
When people ask a farmer how they’ve managed to keep their tractor running for 50 years
“The secret ingredient is crime”